May your heart be filled with the fruit of his incredible plans today.
The resolution your heart wants to make
Worship is perhaps the most foundational part of a quality time alone with God.
When you can’t trace his hand, trust his heart
God promises us that we can trust his heart even when we can’t see his hand.
God redeems all he allows
My hope is that today clarifies a pathway for us that we can walk every day into deeper relationship with God.
“All of God there is, is in this moment”
Life passes us by in a flash, and if we’re not careful, we can miss what God is doing right here, and right now. God wants to work in your life today.
Eighteen inches from God
There is an incredible difference between knowing something in your head and experiencing it in your heart.
Your spiritual alarm clock
May the encouragements of Scripture and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit lead each of us to an embracing of this incredible opportunity in Christian meditation.
Join the Fifth Great Awakening
As we discover God’s heart to meet with us in order that we might experience the depths of his love, I pray that your life would be marked by a new grace to consistently and powerfully encounter the living God.
Live a Life God Can Bless
May God guide us into a passion for investing our lives in his kingdom, that we would have the most joy and peace possible here on earth as well as in heaven.
God deserves Our Worship
Let us come before him in humility as we trust that he will give us his best as we give him ours.
Living In Awe Of God
I pray that after today’s time, your mind is clear and focused on truth, and that your emotions and actions are marked by abundant life as a result.
If You Don’t Feel Close To God
In a world where we’re inundated with media, people, stress, and work from the moment we wake up, God has a better beginning to every day in store for us if we’ll follow him.
Surrendering Superiority
Allow God to redirect your attention today and continue to transform you in his presence.
The Best Advice I’ve Ever Received
You are loved unconditionally, you have nothing to prove, and God desires to meet with you as we spend time in his presence today.
“The Garden Of All The Virtues”
Let’s live today in light of that generosity and grace as we spend time in his presence.
Prayer Is The Gate
One of the incredible things about our God is that we can come before him in prayer.
Persistent Prayer
So often we think of prayer as a way to get our needs met, but it’s so much more than that.
My Favorite Prayer
Let’s come before God boldly today as we learn to pray in faith.
Confessing Prayer
In today’s devotional, we’re going to explore how to keep our connection to God free from obstructions and how to walk in his forgiving grace.
Knocking On God’s Door At Midnight
Some people view God as stingy or irritable, but the truth is that God is generous and gracious.
Drawing On God’s Bank Account
It’s easy to think that God is somehow more pleased with us when we’re consistently praying, reading Scripture, and following his commands. But as great as those things are, God’s love and favor aren’t dependent on our performance or achievements.
A Flashlight In The Dark
May God guide us as we seek to understand and walk in his will today.
You were made for a purpose
Let’s explore what it means to seek God’s face.
One hour a week
Begin the new year with God
With All Your Heart
May your heart be reconnected with him today as we spend time in his presence.
God is not a hobby
As we continue our week looking at what it means to seek God’s face, today we’re going to explore what it means to come before him as our king and lord.
Praying like Abraham Lincoln
May we gain a deeper connection with God today as we call on him in humility.
A door with no handle
As we begin to wrap up our week on seeking the face of God, today let’s explore how we can invite him into our lives and experience the intimate relationship we all long for.
Entering a sterile room
May we experience the cleansing of his love and presence today.
I am directionally challenged
Ingredients for experiencing a spiritual awakening.
Jesus’ most surprising Apostle
The reason that sin is so damaging is that it pulls us away from intimacy with our Father. Yet today, God is inviting us to turn back to him and receive his incredible grace and love.
Crucified upside down
Today, let’s look at how God desires to restore and redeem every failure for his glory and our greatest good.
A sermon I’ve never forgotten
Allow God to speak to your heart and your mind today as we explore this incredible story together.
Public enemy No. 1
May God stir our hearts toward repentance today as we spend time in his presence.
Praying for “the gift of tears”
Let’s ask God to reveal his holiness and truth today as we receive his grace through repentance.
“Create in me a clean heart”
I pray that you will experience the depth of his love and grace today as we spend time in his presence.
God's Relentless Pursuit
May we openly accept his gaze today, with faith in our hearts that he always looks at us with grace.
Made For Relationship
May God reveal his purpose behind our creation today, and may he make central to our lives his pursuit and love in a fresh way.
Identity of the Heart
May God call out from within us who he’s truly made us to be as we draw near to him in his presence.
An Open Heart
May he fills us with courage and grace today as we experience his nearness together.
Be Who You Are
As we open our hearts to his loving pursuit today, I pray that God would do a mighty work of freedom in our hearts.
The Spirit and the Heart
May he come and meet us right now, and reveal God’s love in a fresh way.
Living From the Heart
May God use our time today to empower us to advance his kingdom in meaningful, authentic ways.
Honesty Is The Foundation
May God give us the courage to be who we truly are with him, with ourselves, and with others today. And may newfound freedom be the fruit in our hearts and lives.
May God show you how loved you are, just as you are. And may his love bring you freedom and life as we rest in his presence right now.
Tearing Down Walls
Let’s come before God today with courage, trust, and humility.
Fully Known
May God replace fear with faith today as we experience his grace and love right now.
Fully Loved
May God love us powerfully today as we make space to be more honest with him and ourselves.
Freedom In The Light
Any part of our lives in which we’re walking in darkness, living isolated and unknown, makes space for our hearts to be chained to thoughts and temptations God wants to set us free from. So may the Spirit lead us into the light today, and may we find the courage to follow him.
Living Honestly
Let’s open up our hearts in real, intentional ways today, as we experience the power and love of our heavenly Father.
Honesty before God
May your relationship with God be enriched this week as you position yourself to receive all your loving heavenly Father has to give.
Honesty Before Man
May you learn to value to honesty above all else in dealing with those around you and find joy and peace abundant.
Acknowledging Our Need
The only path to true power and freedom comes through embracing our need and lack. May you experience that freedom and strength from God today.
Faith and Trust
The Lord is a firm foundation, and the only solid place to place your trust. In diving deeper today, we’re going to secure our foundation in the only steady hope—Jesus.
What’s beautiful about God is that no matter where you’re at in your walk with him, there is always more.
May you be encouraged instead of burdened and take whatever next steps necessary to give Jesus your all.
Gaining Spiritual Eyes
To experience the fullness of life, it’s imperative that we take up God’s perspective on all things and allow him to enlighten the eyes of our hearts. May you walk away from today with a new, eternal perspective.
God Wants To Use You
May you discover this week that you were made to share God’s heart. And may you find joy and passion in God’s longing to use you in powerful and unique ways.
God Is Already At Work
The weight is not on our shoulders—the pressure is off. I hope today you’re freed up to be used by God out of joy and delight rather than obligation or stress.
Declaring God's Glory
Today we’ll take a deeper dive in our own hearts and examine who is actually enthroned there.
Light In The Darkness
May you be encouraged today in your identity in Christ and freed from any unnecessary weight you’ve been carrying.
As we assess our hearts, may we remain soft and open to the commands and will of God for us.
Living Compassionately
After we experience his great compassion for us, may we have no choice but to mimic that with others.
Living Courageously
There is nothing to fear, and God is ready and excited to use us for his kingdom purposes. Will you accept his invitation?
The Leading of the Holy Spirit
May he reveal himself to each of us in real and fresh ways this week.
Friendship with the Holy Spirit
May we discover the pathway he’s laid before us to grow in friendship with him today, as we take time to experience him in a fresh way.
Praying with the Holy Spirit
I pray that your ears would be opened to hear the loving voice of your Creator today, as we discover together what it means to pray with the Holy Spirit.
Being Taught By The Holy Spirit
May we be good students of God’s word today, and allow him to guide us into a lifestyle of learning with him. For his glory, and our good.
The Fruit of the Holy Spirit
May you experience the richness of God’s presence, the water of his peace, and the warmth of his love today as we seek to allow God to bear his fruit in our lives.
Sanctification in the Holy Spirit
May you be encouraged as we open our hearts and seek sanctification in the Holy Spirit today.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
I pray that God would reveal to you how he’s wired and gifted you in the Spirit today, that you would find joy and deeper relationship with him in walking out your unique calling on the earth.
Moses and the Tent of Meeting
May God make all our faces shine in his presence today, that the world would see the goodness that comes from spending meaningful time alone with God.
Moses, Isaiah, and the Holiness of God
Know that as you come before him, you are loved by him and made right with him through the blood of Jesus. He simply wants you to come.
The Pillar of God's Presence
Open your heart to trust him afresh today, and remember he is for you.
The Holy of Holies
As we learn of all Jesus’ sacrifice accomplished, may our hearts swell in worship and thanks to our King.
May your heart grow in gratitude and friendship with the Spirit today as a result of your time with him.
The Baptism of Jesus
Find rest today as we encounter the Spirit of the living God and allow him to minister to us.
God Wants to be Known
May you encounter wonderful aspects of relationship with your heavenly Father this week as we wholeheartedly seek to know him with all we are.
The Experience of His Love
God’s love is most radical and life-changing upon encounter, and it’s my hope today you’ll press into him and really feel first hand yourself how much God truly loves you.
The Experience of His Voice
I hope today you will feel the pressure or weight lift off your shoulders as you learn just how simple relationship with and knowing God truly is.
The Experience of His Peace
Bring whatever fears, stresses or worries you have to the risen Christ today, and experience the very real breath of heaven.
Partnering in His Purposes
Everything with God starts and ends with relationship, and he simply wants to co-labor with you.
The Experience of His Freedom
Christ said his work was finished on the cross, and it’s about time we start living in the new reality he instated for us.
The Experience of His Presence
May we simplify what it means to experience God’s presence today and gain a greater sense of confidence to experience the presence of God for ourselves at all times.
God Speaks
May your communion with God flourish as you engage in continual conversation with your loving, present heavenly Father.
God Speaks Through His Word
May God stir up our hearts to hear his voice through the pages of Scripture today. And may we align our hearts with the principles found in its pages.
Hearing God's Voice
May he guide each of us into a fuller understanding of what it means to hear his voice, and may we grow in grace and confidence today to make space to simply listen to whatever it is God wants to say.
God Speaks Through His Creation
May God reveal his heart today to speak through his Creation. And may our hearts be stirred to listen.
God Speaks Through Meditation
May God reveal his heart for us to meditate as a central discipline of our faith. And may he empower us to make room for his presence in a meaningful way today.
God Speaks in Solitude
May God empower us to quiet ourselves today in his presence.
Receiving God's Word Through Action
My prayer today is that God opens our eyes and ears to discover fresh parts of how he declares his heart to us, and that we’re empowered to take action today in even more meaningful ways.
You are God’s temple
May he guide us to a better understanding and a deeper experience of his promises today.
Are you in love with God?
Let us reflect on God’s great love for us and the distance he went to demonstrate it through the life and death of Jesus.
Sitting at the feet of God
As we spend time in his presence today, I pray that God will speak clearly as we learn to listen to his voice.
When you question God’s love for you
may we be reminded of the depth of his love and the lengths he went to in order to restore a relationship with us.
Why did Jesus have to die for you?
Thinking about the death of Jesus is a somber experience, yet it’s important for each of us to recognize the incredible length God was willing to go to on our behalf.
Grace is greater than guilt
Saturday of Holy Week has a lesson of hope for us. Let’s explore this great hope and how we can walk in complete freedom from guilt and shame.
Join the “Fellowship of the Unashamed”
The stone that sealed the tomb of Jesus was but a pebble compared to the Rock of Ages.
Your Father Gives Good Gifts
May God empower us to live with open hands and an open heart, ready and willing to receive all that he longs to give.
God Exchanges our Burdens for His Peace
As a society, we are more continually stressed now than ever. Stress has become our new normal. But in God, we have the opportunity to live with a peace that surpasses our understanding.
The Boundless Grace of God
May God open our eyes and hearts in a special way today to receive his grace in every corner of our hearts.
The Wisdom of God
Living with true wisdom, true perspective, knowing how to order our desires and our days is one of the real keys to living an abundant life.
No Better Friend
May we all draw nearer to God today in this time together.
Being the Child of God
May God give us eyes to see who we are to him today, and the courage to abide in him in life-giving relationship.
The Faithfulness of God
You and I can have faith, because God is faithful.
Sanctification in the Waiting
As we spend time this week focusing on God’s character, allow who he is to stir up your desire to know him even more.
God Our Great Protector
May our hearts be comforted and our hands filled with strength as we make space for God to fill.
God Is Trustworthy
May our hearts be filled with greater measures of trust as we make space for God to fill.
God Is Worthy of Devotion
Life is never better than when God is fully at the center of our lives, and fully at the center of our hearts.
God is Good
Where are you questioning God’s goodness today?
God's Great Gift of Love
May striving cease today as we receive the lavish affection of our good and loving God.
God Desires To Be Encountered
May the weights and cares of the world fall off of your shoulders today as you set out to seek the heart of your good and loving Father.
God The Giver Of Comfort
Everything he gives us satisfies, transforms, and leads us to abundant life.
God Our Great Deliverer
May that truth bring you immense peace and comfort as you experience his presence.
God Gives Peace
We all need peace in this chaotic world, and thankfully God has an abundance of it, which he wants to lavish on his children.
The Lord Gives Contentment
As you fix your eyes on Jesus and trust him, I pray you experience rich contentment today in God’s love and provision.
The Lord Gives Direction
He has a plan for each of our lives, and he desires to partner with us to watch it unfold. May you find rest today in the direction God brings.
God the Giver of Strength
May you experience the embrace of the Father today as you draw near.
An Unconditional Love
As we spend time looking at the father heart of God, may a fresh revelation of his love for you guide you into greater depths of relationship with your heavenly Father.
The Patient Passion Of God
Today allow God to reorient the way you understand him and his heart towards you. He is slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, unlike anyone we’ve ever known.
God Is Present
The beautiful thing about our heavenly Father is that he is present in our lives, and we are never alone.
God Is Our Provider
As we learn of God’s intentions to meet our every need, open your heart today to trust in this God who’s our Provider.
God Encourages Us
There is nothing like an encouraging word from the Father when we’re feeling low and discouraged.
God Disciplines Us In Love
As we dig deeper today, may our hearts be open to God’s loving perspective on correction for our good.
God Is A Fun Father
Let’s allow God to reshape our notion of him and free our hearts up to enjoy just how good God really is. He is better than anyone we’ve ever known, and it’s my hope today we can see that with clear eyes.
His Love Pursues Us
Love is to be at the foundation of all we do, all we are, and all we hold on to.
His Love Has Redeemed Us
God’s love has come in and given us meaning, beauty, redemption, and purpose. It is through God loving us that we become sons and daughters; we become saints.
His Love Has Set Us Free
May your heart be even a little more free today after a fresh encounter with the Father’s love.
All He Asks of Us Is Love
May we take a step back today, examine our own hearts’ pursuits, and rest in the reality of how simple God’s love really is.
The Joy Of A Love-Based Life
May you walk in joy today as you lean into this love-based reality a bit more.
Love-Based Obedience
As we explore love-based obedience today, may your heart be open to the goodness of your loving Father.
Love People
God knows our weaknesses, and any command he gives, he has a plan to empower us and give us grace to be obedient.
Love God: It's All About Relationship
May we discover the peace and joy that come from pursuing a simple Christianity this week.
Love People
God knows our weaknesses, and any command he gives, he has a plan to empower us and give us grace to be obedient.
A Life of Sacrifice
May we discover what it means for our hearts, minds and will to be fully surrendered to Jesus, and in return may we find the abundant joy he has promised. He is trustworthy and true.
Rest In God
May God reorient the way you see him today, and show you his purpose and pleasure over his children taking time for true rest in him.
The Discipline of Simplicity
May your heart and mind be open to all the wisdom and goodness God has for you today. And may you find comfort in making Jesus your one necessary thing.
The Simple Truth Of Freedom
May we gain clarity and deep understanding of the freedom afforded to us as children of God. May we adopt the simple truth of our freedom and truly be set free.
The Simplicity of Grace
May today be a breath of fresh air as you encounter the grace of God that requires nothing in return.
Living Without Offense
Loving others is one of the most important and difficult commands Jesus gave us.
Seeing Past The Brokenness
Brokenness can often make us hard, bitter and difficult to deal with. But we’ve been given the call to see past that hard exterior and love people in the midst of their pain.
Jesus Is The Model
What better example or model is there for how to love than the One who laid his life down for the world?
Loving Family
The beauty of it is, our God is with us every step along the way. He has purpose and power for you in loving the family in which he’s placed you.
Loving Friends
May we be filled with the love of Jesus and grace of God to go out of way to love and minister to those special people in our lives today.
Loving Strangers
Let’s try to take our eyes off ourselves and see those we pass every day and don’t seem to notice.
Loving The Church
Jesus says we will be known by the way we love each other. Would people know you’re a Christian by the way you love your brothers and sisters?
Action Fueled By Love
May your faith come alive this week as you seek to be a doer of the word.
Love Is Present
As our world becomes more and more distracted, and takes less time to notice what’s happening in the life of another, may God empower us as his people to simply be present today.
Love Makes Time For Others
May God grant us his perspective and fashion us into his likeness today.
Love Encourages
May God encourage us today, and empower us to encourage another as we make space for his loving presence.
Love Forgives
Every day we’re wronged in some way. And every day is an opportunity to show others forgiveness, not because they deserve it, but because loving forgiveness is the way of our Good Shepherd, the author and founder of our faith. May God empower us to forgive as he does today.
Love Hopes
We need God to give us fresh vision for the work he’s doing and will do in the world around us. And we need him to empower us to share that vision with others, that our perspective would be grounded in his goodness. May God fill us as his people with fresh hope in his presence today.
Love Wins
As God’s people, he’s inviting us into his victory, a victory we so desperately need. May God establish us in his power today, and may chains fall off us and others as God guides us into a lifestyle of victory in him.
At The Heart of Faith
May you experience a greater depth of intimacy with your living, Almighty, and loving heavenly Father.
Faith Comes By Hearing
God is faithful no matter what. But faith allows us to have trust in that faithfulness, producing a peace and sense of calm in the midst of challenges that we desperately need.
Living By Faith
May you find the strength and courage to trust in him today with all that you are.
Praying In Faith
May God’s goodness become the foundation of our prayer, that we would learn to pray out of a place of belief instead of begging, and hope instead of doubt.
The Marriage of Faith & Works
May we gain revelation today that would stick, that would transform our understanding and deepen our experience of the connection, the relationship between faith and works.
Faith In Trials
May God empower us with revelation today that would bear the fruit of steadfast faith, even in the midst of trials.
The Power of Faith
May God fill our hearts with faith, and may our lives be filled with the fruit of trusting in our good and able God.
Let Love Be Genuine
May you discover God’s grace and perspective this week as you examine your life in light of this powerful passage of Scripture.
Be Fervent in Spirit
May God fill all our hearts with his love in a meaningful, authentic way. And may we find the courage in him to live our faith passionately.
Rejoice In Hope
May God give us wisdom, joy, and eternal perspective today as we make space for him to fill.
Bless Those Who Persecute You
Truly blessing those around us that seem to be against us is an incredible act of love, producing fruit not only in the lives of others, but in our lives as well. May God give us insight into his heart for this command today, as well as the courage to live it out.
Rejoicing and Weeping With Others
Jesus allowed himself to be burdened by others burdens, pained by their pain. And may we follow the way of our Savior today as we spend time in his word, and in his presence.
Living in Harmony
May God give us wisdom, and empower us to walk the path of humility and love as we seek to live in harmony today.
Overcome Evil With Good
May God show us the pathway to his power today, and illuminate specific ways we can overcome evil with good today.
Encountering God Through Faith
May this week be filled with transformational encounters with the living God as we learn what it is to seek the face of the one who has formed us, knows us, and loves us unconditionally.
Encountering God Through Prayer
May your heart and mind be at peace today as you encounter the living God.
Encountering God Through Thanksgiving
May you take away from our time today, timeless principles that quickly get your heart in the right place despite your season or circumstances.
Encountering God Through Worship
Jesus is worthy of all our worship, and it’s my prayer today that you have a fresh encounter with him through this transformative avenue.
Encountering God Through Scripture
Today we’ll dive into how we can encounter God through Scripture.
Encountering God Through The Receiving of His Presence
May we learn to practice God’s presence on a regular basis and see his goodness flood our lives.
Encountering God Through Others
May your wounds be healed, and your heart be opened to how God wants to use others to lead you to him.
God's Heart To Meet With David
May your heart be filled with a wholehearted desire to pursue meeting with God this week.
God's Heart To Meet With Gideon
Open your heart today that God may fill it with fresh fire and excitement for the call on your life.
God's Heart to Meet With Man: Jesus To Us
Many of us doubt the love of God due to all kinds of circumstances, but I pray today you become even a little bit more convinced and sure of his pursuit and unconditional love for you specifically.
God's Heart To Meet With Man: The Woman Caught In Adultery
May today be no different. I pray you’re met by a generous, kind, merciful Savior as you open your heart to him.
God's Heart To Meet With Man At Pentecost
May you be encouraged today as you look more deeply at God’s overwhelming desire to be one with you in your day to day life.
God's Heart To Meet With Man John On Patmos
Right when we think we’re unusable, a season is too dry or we’re past our prime, God comes and speaks fresh life and vision. If you find yourself like John on Patmos today, I pray God brings a new word of courage and life to you despite your season.
We are made to place our trust in that which will provide us with more life, joy, and peace.
May you grow today in your willingness and excitement to quickly obey the Lord as you learn of his love and goodness.
May you find the understanding you need for your situation today as you learn to trust the Father and lean into him.
May you feel encouraged and motivated to place your plans in the hands of a capable, trustworthy Father who has your best interest in mind, always.
God has something to say about your emotional health, and it is my hope you are encouraged and feel afresh how deeply you’re loved by the Lord as we focus in on this truth.
There is rest available for God’s children today in the place of toil and striving. Your good Father wants to assure you of that today.
As we have learned this week, our God is fully trustworthy. Placing our trust in his hands is the wisest thing we could ever do. As we finish up our week on trust today, we’ll explore how trust plays a role in our sanctification and maturing as believers.
God Promises His Will
May God stir our hearts to surrender anything that isn’t best for us, and may he empower us to take hold of his passion, and his desires, that we might align our lives with his will.
God Promises His Strength
In today’s devotional, we’re continuing our series of taking hold of God’s promises by looking at his promise of strength.
God Promises His Compassion
May we not only get a revelation of God’s compassion in our own lives today, but may God mold and fashion us into his likeness, that we would be a people of compassion.
God Promises Freedom
Every day this world tries to chain us to its ways, holding us down where God is trying to lift us up. But in Jesus, we’ve been offered total and complete freedom. And in the Spirit we’re offered a continual pathway to exercise that freedom.
God Promises His Comfort
We serve a God of all mercy and comfort, a God who knows our pain, weeps with us, and has a perfect plan to lead us to abundant life even in the midst of it all.
God Promises His Presence
The nearness of God is always to our good. In every situation, good or bad, challenging or easy, it’s so good to be near to God. So wherever you are today, lay down every other pursuit, just for the next few minutes, and focus simply on resting on God’s presence.
God Promises His Return
The suffering and pain we’re experiencing right now is not for forever. There is a conclusion to this story, to all of our stories. And that conclusion is being written by a God so good, so loving, and so powerful, that we know this story of humanity ends triumphantly.
Waiting On The Lord
May God guide us to a better understanding, and deeper experience, of his promises today.
Experiencing God's Promises Through The Renewing Of Your Mind
May God do a mighty work today as we make space for him to fill.
Trust in God's Promise
May we as God’s children trust him more fully today in response to his trustworthiness.
Casting Off Negativity
May God grant us the courage and perspective to choose life over death today as we seek to live the abundant life wholly available to us in Christ.
Make Time To Experience God
May God open our eyes to see the true value of our time, and how deeply he cherishes when we choose to spend it on him.
Be The Hands And Feet Of Jesus
May God guide us to into a work birthed from the place of abiding in him, that our lives would be marked by the fruit of God’s promises coming to fruition every day.
Live For His Glory
There is a wealth of promises that can only be experienced when we choose to lay down our own glory, and live for the glory of God instead. We weren’t created to live for our own advancement, and attachment to advancement only breeds pain and suffering.
You Can Know God
May your relationship with God go deeper and become freer as you build trust and learn how to have God’s heart this week.
Continual Revelation
May we walk away today more inclined to listen and more open to finding God in unexpected ways.
The Word
May we begin to turn to the Bible as our source of truth and direction first and foremost, rather than the world around us.
The Spirit
The Spirit longs to have a beautiful, deep friendship with you. And all it takes is opening our hearts to him.
Revelation Through Others
If we’ll open our hearts to those around us, the possibilities are unlimited to what God can do.
A Foundation of Affection
God is such a good, loving Father that he wants us to live with a foundational understanding of his affection toward us.
God's Heart Doesn't Stop With Us
When you are operating out of God’s love daily secure in his affections for you, God can do miraculous things through you.
Fully Loved
May we grow in our understanding and experience of God as our good and loving Father this week as we look at what it is to be his child.
New Bloodline of Freedom
May we live unchained to the terrible effects of sin today as we learn to walk out our new identity in Christ.
Childlike Faith
May you experience peace and courage today as you allow God to take burdens off of your shoulders, and live with childlike faith.
A Wealth of Fatherly Affection
Wherever you need a sense of his love, wherever you have need, I pray that the Father gives you a profound revelation of his love there today.
God as Our Guide Through Life
May you sense the leadership of your loving Father today as we create space to receive his guidance.
The Blessings of Our Father
May we taste and see God’s goodness today as we open our hands and hearts to receive the gifts of his love.
Once a Child Always a Child
May God give you confidence and joy today in your new identity in him.
His Grace is Sufficient
Today we’re launching a new series, taking time every day to discover and receive the grace of our good and loving Father.
Freedom In Grace
God’s grace is the foundation of our freedom, a sure gift made available to us again every morning.
Grace-Filled Presence
In the middle of our series on grace, we’re going to look at how experiencing God’s presence gives a truer, more heartfelt sense of God’s grace.
Grace-Filled Provision
In today’s devotional, we’re exploring the wonderful reality of how God provides for us by his grace.
God's Grace Brings Purpose
May God fill us all with a deeper sense of purpose today, and may our days be more fulfilling and more impactful as we experience God’s grace right now.
In Grace God Teaches Us
May we approach God with a humble and teachable heart. And may we learn whatever lesson we need from the Spirit today, as God teaches us in his grace.
The Nature of Forgiveness is Mercy
May you be filled with courage and boldness this to offer forgiveness to those in desperate need of grace.
Our Forgiveness in Jesus
May we find the grace to forgive as we rest in the forgiveness we’ve already been offered through our Savior.
Healing Past Wounds and Forgiving Present Scars
May you find healing today for any wounds or scars you’ve been carrying, whether big or small.
A Lifestyle of Continual Forgiveness
Over time, as we open our hearts and allow God to do a continued work in us, we’re equipped to develop a new normal, a new way of living.
Forgive The Person, Not Their Actions
May you find newfound freedom from the weight of unforgiveness today.
Living Without Expectation of Perfection
May we gain his perspective today, and the peace and joy that accompany it, as we spend time in his word and his presence.
Forgiving Yourself
May God give us the grace to see ourselves as he does, and offer ourselves love, compassion, and forgiveness regardless of what we’ve done.
God Demonstrates His Grace
May God draw you even closer to him this week, and teach of you his redemptive and life changing love.
God's Patient Heart
May the patience and love of God transform your heart today, as we spend time in his presence, engaging with his word.
God's Instant Forgiveness
May regret, and fear over God’s judgement be washed away as we see an incredible picture of how quickly and easily God forgives our sins.
Restoration of Sonship
May the incredible love of the Father displayed in this moment of Jesus’ story give us a glimpse into how our heavenly Father feels about us today.
Restoration of Identity
May God align our perspective with his today, as we apply the restoration of identity from Jesus’ story to our own lives.
Restoration of Authority
May we be positioned to work with God in bringing his powerful love to earth all around us as the result of our time in his presence today.
Having Grace For Others
May we become more like our Father in heaven today as we look at his word, and spend time in his presence.
Poor In Spirit
May you experience more of the depth of God’s love this week as you discover God’s heart to minister to those desperate for him.
Lifestyle of Grace
It is my hope today that we can learn to embrace our weakness, that God may be made strong in us.
Seeking Wealth In Heaven
As we seek to have one devotion today, may our hearts be fully open to the One who’s worthy.
Repentance and God's Promises
May we learn to embrace this aspect of walking with the Lord rather than shy away from it.
The Blessing of Spiritual Poverty
The beauty of God’s way is that it will always turn the ways of our world on its head. To be strong you must become weak. To be rich, you must be poor. To find, you must lose.
How To Live Low
God wants to use you as a vessel of his grace and love in this world. Will you let him?
Freedom in Spiritual Poverty
Abundant life is available to us now as we seek to live low and abide in Jesus.
Our Sin and the Holiness of God
May you experience a more tangible, loving, and powerful connection with your heavenly Father this week as we celebrate living life unveiled.
The Example of Moses
May God draw us closer to him, and give us eyes to see his face today.
The Tearing of the Veil
May we gain a deeper knowledge and experience of God’s closeness today as we study the tearing of the veil.
An Unveiled Lifestyle
May you hear and take the invitation of God to live differently, to live closer, to abide and rest in his presence in all you do today.
Faith Guides Us In
May your faith increase today, and may your experience of God’s presence deepen as we create space to seek God together.
The Omnipresence of God
May you have a profound sense of God’s nearness today as we look at the incredible availability of God’s presence.
Our Righteousness in Jesus Christ
May you see yourself in light of the finished work of Christ today as we make space to see the new nature we’ve been given by God’s grace.
Light & Dark
May the Lord open our eyes to see the glorious light before us this week.
We Are Called To the Light
May you be strengthened in grace and integrity today as you’re re-envisioned toward your calling to the light.
Jesus is the Light
May our hearts grow in wonder, worship and awe. And may our lives be forever transformed at the sight of him.
Living Fully Known
May you walk away today free from shame and fear after having faced a holy God vulnerably and having encountered his unconditional love.
Looking at the Light
As we re-train ourselves to seek God first for satisfaction, may we find how abundantly beyond our imaginings the Lord’s sufficiency is for us.
Following God into the Light
May you feel better equipped to face temptation and sin today as you encounter Jesus and his truth for you on this subject.
Being the Light
May you be encouraged today to live out your calling as the light of world, free from the weight of the world.
God's Plan for Renewal
May God teach and guide us into daily renewal as we make space every morning for him to fill.
The Renewal of Your Mind
May God guide each of us down the path to renewing our minds in his presence, and through his word today, that we might experience a greater measure of abundant life in him.
Renewal of Your First Love
May God guide us to a deeper love of him today as we open our hearts and hands to meet with him.
Renewal of Joy
May God guide us today into a meaningful renewal of joy as we set our eyes and hearts on him.
Renewal of Purpose
May the Holy Spirit reveal within us the true reason we were created, and guide us down the path of purpose today in his presence.
Renewal of Conscience
May God empower us to see ourselves the way he does as we spend meaningful time in his presence today.
Renewal of Perspective
So may God give us the power and courage to choose the right perspective today, to see the world and our lives through his eyes.
Seeking Transformation
May God do a mighty work in our hearts this week as we make room for his presence every day.
God Transforms Us Into New Creations
May God do a mighty work today as we make room for him to move, and may we leave this focused time in his presence with a true feeling of being made new.
Continual Transformation
May God stir up our hearts to accept change and transformation in him today as we make space right now for him to come and move.
Transformation Through Experience
May God stir up our faith and our passion to be transformed in his presence right now.
God Meets Us In Our Weakness
May God replace pressure and pride with peace and humility today as we meet with him right now.
Life In Christ
May God build within us a powerful culture of resurrection today as we draw near to his transformative love and presence.
Life in the Spirit
May God continue this work of ongoing transformation, as we invite him to resurrect us in meaningful, fresh ways today.
God Cares About The Present
As we look at what it is to live an abundant life here on earth, I pray that your heart will be awakened to the reality of God’s presence and affection in your life.
Choosing To Worship
As we examine how to live an abundant life here on earth, today we’ll search out what it means to choose to worship God in our daily lives.
Glorious Relationship
God is for us and desires to walk closely with us, all we have to do is say yes to his invitation. Will you consider saying yes today?
Passionate Pursuit
Open your heart to the Father today, and allow your mind to be renewed to the good life he has for you.
Eternal Impact
As we begin wrapping up our week on living an abundant life, I hope you leave today encouraged, envisioned and empowered.
Healed, Transformed, Freed
Once we release the lies and old patterns of thinking and acting, we will see new life spring up in our lives everywhere we look. May this be the case for each of us today.
Eternity Right Now
As we finish this week on living an abundant life, today we’ll explore where we’re placing our priorities, hopes, fears, and affections. God doesn’t want us to spend our days waiting for heaven, but instead wants to shift our perspective to see that eternity has already begun.
Seeking God Through Worship
In worship, our hearts become soft, aware, and open to the glorious majesties of God’s nearness. In worship, God makes his nearness known to us and fills us anew with the power of his manifest presence.
Seeking God Through Scripture
May your heart be opened to God’s truth today as you experience his presence.
Seeking God Through Prayer
Today, may your heart be stirred to take advantage of the unbelievable gift of prayer as you experience God.
Seeking God Through Fasting
As we continue our week on seeking God, today we’re exploring what it means to seek God through fasting.
Seeking God Through His Creation
May we take the time to open our eyes and hearts, to slow down for a minute and behold the beauty of our God in all that he has made.
Seeking God in Solitude
As we near the end of our week on seeking God, today we will focus on seeking God in solitude.
Seeking God Through Community
May God open your heart and mind today to the community in which he’s placed you in this season.
Strength in Joy
May you discover the greater portion of joy available to you through the Spirit as you encounter the heart of your Father this week.
God Rejoices Over Us
God not only loves you, but he likes you. He rejoices over you, just as you are. I hope and pray that you get a real, tangible sense of God’s joy over you today as we create space in his presence together.
The Fullness of Joy
May your heart be filled to the fullness today as we experience God together.
Joy In Every Circumstance
Today we’re going to make space together to simply open our hearts and minds to receive the joy of the Father. I hope and pray that you find real, life-changing joy in God’s presence today.
Joy From The Spirit
May your relationship with the Spirit deepen today, and yield a joy so real and strong that no trial or tribulation could come against it.
Inexpressible Joy
May our hearts be opened to a greater measure of joy than we’ve yet experienced, and the wisdom and faith to hold on to that joy as our portion in God.
Being a Carrier of Joy
May God fill us all with a greater measure of his joy today, and a greater understanding of how to carry that joy into a world in desperate need of it.
The Prince of Peace
May you discover the heart of your heavenly Father to bring you peace this week.
Peace is a Fruit
May we learn today how to tap into the peace of God that’s so ever-readily available to us as Christians.
A Peaceful Thought-Life
Today we’ll dive a little deeper into those biblical concepts, and I hope we each walk away better equipped to face life’s trials with the transcendent peace of God.
Peace in Relationships
Today we’ll dive into how live in harmony with others and experience the peace of heaven in our friendships, families and work lives.
Peace in All Circumstances
Today we’ll explore why that might be and how to walk in transcendent peace untouched by the circumstances of this world.
Peace in the Spirit
May you grow in your desire for and closeness with the Holy Spirit today.
Being a Person of Peace
In a world full of principles like “an eye for an eye,” how can Christians be set apart and different? Today we’ll dive into that and more.
Jesus Is The Best Thing
May your heart be set aflame by the joy and purpose of living out God’s command to live for heaven.
Life in Hope
May the hope of eternal life be an anchor for you all of your days.
Marked by Joy
As we continue to discover what it means to live for heaven, today we look at what it means for us to be marked by joy.
A Lifetime of Love
God doesn’t want you to even go one day without knowing how truly loved you are.
Heaven on Earth
Open your heart and mind to God’s will for your life, and allow him to fill you with excitement and joy today.
Things Unseen
We are so easily bogged down by the weight of the world, and today God wants to lift our chin and point our eyes upward to things unseen, the things of heaven.
The Day is Approaching
May your heart only grow in anticipation and joy at the thought of his return after today.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart
May your heart become more responsive to the presence, will, and love of God this week as you cultivate good soil with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: Thankfulness
May God remind us of all we have to be thankful for today as we make space to meet with him. And may our days be better as the result of taking just a few moments to be thankful for who we are, what we have, and all God has done for us as his beloved children.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: Worship
As we make space to focus on the power of worship today, may God stir up each of our hearts to worship him with all we are and all we have.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: Scripture
As we look at the power of Scripture today, may God stir our hearts to spend time every day in the pages of this transformative book. And may Scripture guide us deeper into true relationship with it’s author.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: the Body of Christ
So as we set our eyes on him, may he fill our hearts with compassion and love, and desire to be fully known and fully loved by our communities.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: Prayer
May God do a mighty work in us today as we discover the power of prayer.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: God's Voice
As we wrap up this week focusing on tilling the soil of our hearts, today we’re going to look at the role of hearing God’s voice in living open and responsive to God. I know for a lot of us the idea of hearing God speak can be a confusing, sometimes too far out there subject. But as God’s children, he wants us to live in communication with him. And through the Holy Spirit, you and I have the ability to hear God speak to our hearts. May we discover today that we serve a communicative God who loves to talk to his people. And may his voice soften our hearts to receive all that he longs to give us.
The Desire to be Delighted In
The main concept for this week is derived from The Seven Longings of the Human Heart by Mike Bickle and Deborah Hiebert.
The Desire for Wonder
May we set our eyes on him today by the power of the Holy Spirit, that our desire for wonder would be satisfied in relationship with our powerful and good God.
The Desire to Behold Beauty
As we continue our week-long focus on the desires of every heart, today we’re going to look at the desire we all share to behold beauty.
The Desire for Greatness
Today as we continue our series looking at the desires of every heart, we’re going to take time to recognize and satisfy our desire to be great.
The Longing to be Fully Known and Fully Loved
In today’s devotional we’re going to look at the desire we all share to be fully known and fully loved.
The Desire to be Passionate
In today’s devotional, we’re going to explore the desire we all share to be passionate.
The Desire to Live a Life of Significance
As we wrap up this week looking at the desires of every heart, we’re going to look today at the desire to live a life of significance.
The Parable of the Good Shepherd
This week we’re going to spend time allowing the parables of Jesus to speak directly to our situations, mindsets, and core beliefs about who God is. Open your heart and mind to be transformed by the powerful and captivating stories of Jesus.
The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Valuable Pearl
Open your heart today and choose to take an honest look. You might be surprised at what you find.
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
As we dig into this rich, beautiful parable, may our hearts and minds be enlightened. Take a moment even now to ask God to give you fresh revelation.
The Parable of the Lamp on a Stand
As we continue to look at the profound, life-transforming concepts Jesus shared through parables, today we’ll focus on the parable of the lamp on a stand.
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
May we today begin a fresh revival of humility in the church as we humble ourselves before God in prayer and honest worship. I want to encourage you to be open and vulnerable as you approach the Lord today.
The Parable of the Prodigal Son
As we near the end of our week on the parables, today we’re going to look at the parable of the prodigal son.
The Parables of the Lost Sheep and Coin
In today’s devotional, the last in our series on the parables, we’ll be looking at the parables of the lost sheep and coin.
Being a Person of Vision
May you find freedom and joy this week as you receive vision and set boundaries under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
Vision for God
Today may God’s priorities for us become our own, and may we set the necessary boundaries in place to keep our priorities in the correct order.
Vision for Yourself
How do we set ourselves up for success emotionally, physically and spiritually? The truth is you matter, and it’s my prayer you are strengthened and encouraged today.
Vision for Others
Today may we learn how to serve people in a healthy, intentional way with good boundaries and vision.
Vision for Work
May you discover God’s heart for your work, and find deep purpose and joy today as you submit to God’s vision and boundaries for it.
Vision for Community
We all have different capacity, and it’s very important to remember that as we discuss living life with others in community. May our hearts be open today to whatever the Lord might speak.
Vision for Eternity
May you be newly envisioned and encouraged today as you’re reminded of the world that is to come through Christ our King.
The Authority of King Jesus
As we dive deeply into the riches of Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer this week, may your heart be awakened and your life be transformed by the riches of God’s love.
Hope In Relationship
May we take hold of this gift and experience it fully today as we take a closer look.
Unity in Our God
May our hearts be open to the answers we discover today as we take a deeper dive.
The Joy of the Lord
Jesus is a joyful King, and we find in his High Priestly Prayer that he desires that his people would be filled with his joy too.
The Truth of Sanctification
God wants to clear up our common misconceptions and help us enter this process with joy. Open your heart to the kindness of Jesus and allow him to give you rest.
The Glory of God in Man
May your heart and mind be open to God’s truth and will for your life today as we seek him together.
The Depth of God's Love for Us
As we end our week on Jesus’s High Priestly prayer, today we’ll dive into his desire for us to know the Father’s great love.
The Sacrificial King
As we look to Jesus this week to celebrate who he is and what he’s done, may you find life-giving hope and foundational joy.
The King of Kings
Allow this victorious King to settle your heart and mind today as you experience his presence. Revel in his power and might. And worship him as the worthy King that he is.
The Savior King
As we explore the gift of Jesus this advent season, today we’ll dig into what it means for him to be our Savior King.
The Triumphant King
May the nature of Jesus’ triumph astound your heart and provoke worship and awe in you today.
The Merciful King
We have spent this week looking at different aspects of Christ’s kingship. Today we’ll explore how the Lord is merciful in nature toward us and the world.
The Just King
As we begin to wrap up our week celebrating Jesus our King, today we’ll celebrate the justice of God.
The Humble King
As we end our week looking to Jesus, today we’ll explore one of my favorite aspects of his nature: his humility.
The Importance of Drawing Near
Even as believers filled with the Holy Spirit, we can choose to live as if God is still far off. So this Christmas season, may we choose to open our hearts to the living God that we might experience fullness of joy in his loving presence.
Every Morning is Like Christmas with God
May we reorient our thinking so that each morning with God is more exciting than the next as we experience afresh his love and kindness.
God Does the Drawing
May you find God today as you open your heart to him, and experience the rest that his presence brings.
Sensitivity in Busyness
In the midst of this crazy season, it is important to remain sensitive to the Spirit of God.
Solitude with Emmanuel
May you be encouraged and motivated today to get truly alone with the Father in these days.
Drawing from the Endless Well
Allow God to remind you afresh today of his love and ability to meet every need and longing in your heart.
Carrying the Presence of Christ
As you practice sensitivity, God will be faithful to show up and move in amazing ways. May this Christmas season be blessed beyond measure as you seek to show the world his love.
The Sacrifice of Jesus
May this time together help us center our celebrations around the goodness of Emmanuel, God with us.
Overflowing Joy
May your heart be filled with joy this season.
Seasons with God
May your time with God this week be filled with the loving presence of your heavenly Father.
New Beginnings
May you get a real sense of redemption and grace today as we seek the heart of God together.
You Can Do All Things
My hope is that we’re filled with courage and hope today for what God can and will do in us as we make space to live and work in him in this new year.
Hope in God's Nearness
As we make space for his presence today, I pray that he fills us with a new measure of hope and life in his nearness.
May your heart be filled with the fruit of his incredible plans today.
What Does It Mean To Have Time Alone With God?
This week we will get back to the basics and learn some spiritual disciplines that will help us encounter him in deeper, more transformative ways.
What Is Worship?
Worship is perhaps the most foundational part of a quality time alone with God.
What Is A Devotional?
May our time together help you get even more out of this space for God’s presence.
What Is Prayer?
My hope is that today clarifies a pathway for us that we can walk every day into deeper relationship with God.
Communion With God
May God guide us ever closer to him as we create room for him to fill right now.
The Presence of God
My hope is that today the presence of God is demystified a bit, and becomes a regular part of every day we set aside to meet with him.
What is Christian Meditation?
May the encouragements of Scripture and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit lead each of us to an embracing of this incredible opportunity in Christian meditation.
Start Your Day With The Best Thing
I pray that your life would be marked by a new grace to consistently and powerfully encounter the living God.
Storing The Treasure Of Your Heart
May God guide us into a passion for investing our lives in his kingdom, that we would have the most joy and peace possible here on earth as well as in heaven.
Live For Love
May he guide us into a deep discovery of who we are in him, and how we can live our lives filled with the passionate pursuit of love.
Renewing Your Mind
I pray that after today’s time, your mind is clear and focused on truth, and that your emotions and actions are marked by abundant life as a result.
Having Time Alone
God has a better beginning to every day in store for us if we’ll follow him.
Life In Surrender
I hope today that we both learn a little about the value of living in surrender, and experience the life that comes through actually dying to ourselves, that we might live in Christ more fully.
Freedom Through Enjoying God
I hope and pray that chains weighing you down to the cares and sins of the world fall off of you today as we follow the Spirit down a path to more fully enjoying God.
Choosing A Center
May your life be marked by union with your Creator as we explore what it means to center our lives around meeting with God this week.
The Longing of God to Meet With You
As you are reminded today of God’s great love and desire for you, may your heart be stirred with fervor to seek him and center your life around his presence.
Seeing God As Our Father
As we grow in understanding of God’s perfect love and relation to us, may centering your life around his presence come naturally.
The Fruit of Abiding
Tapping into Christ’s presence and power is what will allow you to bear good fruit in this life.
Jesus Is The Center
Allow your heart to be stirred in adoration, worship and devotion to the only true King this world has even known.
Making The Most of Our Time
As you begin to examine your life today, may God give you eyes to see what’s hindering you and what truly brings you life. How we spend our time is foundational to how we center our lives around Christ.
Living From Union
May you live each day aware of and benefitting from that union, and be forever changed.
God Longs To Be Encountered
May your week focus on God’s desire to be encountered be marked by the reality of his presence and love.
God Longs For Us To Know His Love
Every one of us needs to be reminded of the depth of his love on a regular basis, and it’s my hope that today we can take some time to do so. May you never be the same again.
God Longs For Us To Know His Voice
May you walk away today feeling more confident and equipped for intimate relationship with Jesus.
God Longs For Us To Know His Truth
As we look to Jesus as our model, may we be filled with courage and light to love not just in word but in deed and truth.
God Longs To Share His Will
May you gain some insight about next steps for you today, and fresh peace in the midst of whatever season you’re in.
Mystery Is To Be Sought Out
May your questions and wonderings about God and his creation only push you farther into seeking him. Because he has made it clear that if you’ll seek him, you will find him.
Do We Know Him?
He alone is worthy of all our hearts. And today may you place your heart solely in his hands.
Abide In The Vine
My prayer is that you would be marked by wonderful, satisfying, and fulfilling encounters with the presence of God as we look at John 15:1-17 this week.
Abiding in The Heartbeat Of God
As you learn to seek out the heartbeat of God, may you grow in confidence in his love for you and those around you.
Abiding Through Obedience
Take a moment even now to open your heart to trust God afresh.
Abiding in God's Friendship
May you fall deeper in love with God today as you learn what it means to abide in God’s friendship.
Abiding Fruit
Make room in your heart and mind to rest in the love of your heavenly Father as we look at the different ways we are to abide in true vine of God.
God Prunes Us in His Love
Discipline can often be a tricky subject, but it’s my hope our hearts would remain soft and open today as we remember how good and loving the God is that we serve.
Abiding in God's Joy
May we be filled afresh with joy today as we seek these answers out.
God's Relentless Pursuit
May we openly accept his gaze today, with faith in our hearts that he always looks at us with grace.
Made for Relationship
May God reveal his purpose behind our creation today, and may he make central to our lives his pursuit and love in a fresh way.
Identity of the Heart
May God call out from within us who he’s truly made us to be as we draw near to him in his presence.
An Open Heart
May he fills us with courage and grace today as we experience his nearness together.
Be Who You Are
As we open our hearts to his loving pursuit today, I pray that God would do a mighty work of freedom in our hearts.
The Spirit and the Heart
May he come and meet us right now, and reveal God’s love in a fresh way.
Living from the Heart
May God use our time today to empower us to advance his kingdom in meaningful, authentic ways.
Honesty is the Foundation
May God give us the courage to be who we truly are with him, with ourselves, and with others today. And may newfound freedom be the fruit in our hearts and lives.
May God show you how loved you are, just as you are. And may his love bring you freedom and life as we rest in his presence right now.
Tearing Down Walls
Let’s come before God today with courage, trust, and humility.
Fully Known
May God replace fear with faith today as we experience his grace and love right now.
Fully Loved
May God love us powerfully today as we make space to be more honest with him and ourselves.
Freedom in the Light
Any part of our lives in which we’re walking in darkness, living isolated and unknown, makes space for our hearts to be chained to thoughts and temptations God wants to set us free from. So may the Spirit lead us into the light today, and may we find the courage to follow him.
Living Honestly
Let’s open up our hearts in real, intentional ways today, as we experience the power and love of our heavenly Father.
Honesty before God
May your relationship with God be enriched this week as you position yourself to receive all your loving heavenly Father has to give.
Honesty before Man
May you learn to value to honesty above all else in dealing with those around you and find joy and peace abundant.
Acknowledging Our Need
The only path to true power and freedom comes through embracing our need and lack. May you experience that freedom and strength from God today.
Faith and Trust
The Lord is a firm foundation, and the only solid place to place your trust. In diving deeper today, we’re going to secure our foundation in the only steady hope—Jesus.
What’s beautiful about God is that no matter where you’re at in your walk with him, there is always more.
May you be encouraged instead of burdened and take whatever next steps necessary to give Jesus your all.
Gaining Spiritual Eyes
To experience the fullness of life, it’s imperative that we take up God’s perspective on all things and allow him to enlighten the eyes of our hearts. May you walk away from today with a new, eternal perspective.
God Wants to Use You
May you discover this week that you were made to share God’s heart. And may you find joy and passion in God’s longing to use you in powerful and unique ways.
God is Already at Work
The weight is not on our shoulders—the pressure is off. I hope today you’re freed up to be used by God out of joy and delight rather than obligation or stress.
Declaring God's Glory
Today we’ll take a deeper dive in our own hearts and examine who is actually enthroned there.
Light in the Darkness
May you be encouraged today in your identity in Christ and freed from any unnecessary weight you’ve been carrying.
As we assess our hearts, may we remain soft and open to the commands and will of God for us.
Living Compassionately
After we experience his great compassion for us, may we have no choice but to mimic that with others.
Living Courageously
There is nothing to fear, and God is ready and excited to use us for his kingdom purposes. Will you accept his invitation?
The Leading of the Holy Spirit
May he reveal himself to each of us in real and fresh ways this week.
Friendship with the Holy Spirit
May we discover the pathway he’s laid before us to grow in friendship with him today, as we take time to experience him in a fresh way.
Praying with the Holy Spirit
I pray that your ears would be opened to hear the loving voice of your Creator today, as we discover together what it means to pray with the Holy Spirit.
Being Taught by the Holy Spirit
May we be good students of God’s word today, and allow him to guide us into a lifestyle of learning with him. For his glory, and our good.
The Fruit of the Holy Spirit
May you experience the richness of God’s presence, the water of his peace, and the warmth of his love today as we seek to allow God to bear his fruit in our lives.
Sanctification in the Holy Spirit
May you be encouraged as we open our hearts and seek sanctification in the Holy Spirit today.
The Reality of God's Presence
May God open our eyes and hearts to see and sense his nearness in a meaningful way today.
Moses and the Tent of Meeting
May God make all our faces shine in his presence today, that the world would see the goodness that comes from spending meaningful time alone with God.
Moses, Isaiah, and the Holiness of God
Know that as you come before him, you are loved by him and made right with him through the blood of Jesus. He simply wants you to come.
The Pillar of God's Presence
Open your heart to trust him afresh today, and remember he is for you.
The Holy of Holies
As we learn of all Jesus’ sacrifice accomplished, may our hearts swell in worship and thanks to our King.
May your heart grow in gratitude and friendship with the Spirit today as a result of your time with him.
The Baptism of Jesus
Find rest today as we encounter the Spirit of the living God and allow him to minister to us.
God Wants to be Known
May you encounter wonderful aspects of relationship with your heavenly Father this week as we wholeheartedly seek to know him with all we are.
The Experience of His Love
God’s love is most radical and life-changing upon encounter, and it’s my hope today you’ll press into him and really feel first hand yourself how much God truly loves you.
The Experience of His Voice
I hope today you will feel the pressure or weight lift off your shoulders as you learn just how simple relationship with and knowing God truly is.
The Experience of His Peace
Bring whatever fears, stresses or worries you have to the risen Christ today, and experience the very real breath of heaven.
Partnering in His Purposes
Everything with God starts and ends with relationship, and he simply wants to co-labor with you.
The Experience of His Freedom
Christ said his work was finished on the cross, and it’s about time we start living in the new reality he instated for us.
The Experience of His Presence
May we simplify what it means to experience God’s presence today and gain a greater sense of confidence to experience the presence of God for ourselves at all times.
God Speaks
May your communion with God flourish as you engage in continual conversation with your loving, present heavenly Father.
God Speaks through His Word
May God stir up our hearts to hear his voice through the pages of Scripture today. And may we align our hearts with the principles found in its pages.
Hearing God's Voice
May he guide each of us into a fuller understanding of what it means to hear his voice, and may we grow in grace and confidence today to make space to simply listen to whatever it is God wants to say.
God Speaks through His Creation
May God reveal his heart today to speak through his Creation. And may our hearts be stirred to listen.
God Speaks through Meditation
May God reveal his heart for us to meditate as a central discipline of our faith. And may he empower us to make room for his presence in a meaningful way today.
God Speaks in Solitude
May God empower us to quiet ourselves today in his presence.
Receiving God’s Word through Action
My prayer today is that God opens our eyes and ears to discover fresh parts of how he declares his heart to us, and that we’re empowered to take action today in even more meaningful ways.
The Sweetness of God's Love
May you be stirred by the unconditional love of your heavenly Father this week as his perfect nature is revealed to you in greater, more transformative ways.
The Lord Your God is in Your Midst
May we develop a greater sense of his nearness today and learn how we can live our life in light of the goodness of his presence.
God Our Father
May he draw us closer as he reveals what a good Father he is to us.
Delighting in God's Love
I pray that God reveals his love in a tangible and fresh way today for you and me as we open our hearts to meet with him.
God Heals Hearts
In today’s devotional, we’re going to look at the reality that God loves to heal hearts.
The Heart of God to Forgive
God’s forgiveness is as constant as our need for his forgiveness.
A Constant Companion
May God guide us and empower us today, and reveal himself in a fresh way.
Your Father Gives Good Gifts
May God empower us to live with open hands and an open heart, ready and willing to receive all that he longs to give.
The Yoke of Jesus
May God guide us down his path to peace today as we make space for his presence.
The Boundless Grace of God
May God open our eyes and hearts in a special way today to receive his grace in every corner of our hearts.
The Wisdom of God
May we praise God for his wisdom, and ask him with boldness and confidence to share that wisdom with us today.
No Better Friend
May we all draw nearer to God today in this time together.
Being the Child of God
May God give us eyes to see who we are to him today, and the courage to abide in him in life-giving relationship.
The Faithfulness of God
May God draw us closer to him, and give us a greater measure of faith today as we focus on his steadfast love and faithfulness.
Sanctification in the Waiting
As we spend time this week focusing on God’s character, allow who he is to stir up your desire to know him even more.
God Our Great Protector
May our hearts be comforted and our hands filled with strength as we make space for God to fill.
God is Trustworthy
May our hearts be filled with greater measures of trust as we make space for God to fill.
God is Worthy of Devotion
Life is never better than when God is fully at the center of our lives, and fully at the center of our hearts.
God is Good
Where are you questioning God’s goodness today?
God's Great Gift of Love
May striving cease today as we receive the lavish affection of our good and loving God.
God Desires to be Encountered
May the weights and cares of the world fall off of your shoulders today as you set out to seek the heart of your good and loving Father.
God the Giver of Comfort
Everything he gives us satisfies, transforms, and leads us to abundant life.
God Our Great Deliverer
May that truth bring you immense peace and comfort as you experience his presence.
God Gives Peace
We all need peace in this chaotic world, and thankfully God has an abundance of it, which he wants to lavish on his children.
The Lord Gives Contentment
As you fix your eyes on Jesus and trust him, I pray you experience rich contentment today in God’s love and provision.
The Lord Gives Direction
He has a plan for each of our lives, and he desires to partner with us to watch it unfold. May you find rest today in the direction God brings.
God the Giver of Strength
May you experience the embrace of the Father today as you draw near.
God the Giver of Courage
Open your heart today in light of God’s love. Let go of anything holding you back from abundant life, and step forward with Jesus into fearless living.
An Unconditional Love
As we spend time looking at the father heart of God, may a fresh revelation of his love for you guide you into greater depths of relationship with your heavenly Father.
The Patient Passion of God
Today allow God to reorient the way you understand him and his heart towards you. He is slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, unlike anyone we’ve ever known.
God is Present
The beautiful thing about our heavenly Father is that he is present in our lives, and we are never alone.
God is Our Provider
As we learn of God’s intentions to meet our every need, open your heart today to trust in this God who’s our Provider.
God Encourages Us
There is nothing like an encouraging word from the Father when we’re feeling low and discouraged.
God Disciplines Us in Love
As we dig deeper today, may our hearts be open to God’s loving perspective on correction for our good.
God is a Fun Father
Let’s allow God to reshape our notion of him and free our hearts up to enjoy just how good God really is. He is better than anyone we’ve ever known, and it’s my hope today we can see that with clear eyes.
His Love Pursues Us
Love is to be at the foundation of all we do, all we are, and all we hold on to.
His Love Has Redeemed Us
God’s love has come in and given us meaning, beauty, redemption, and purpose. It is through God loving us that we become sons and daughters; we become saints.
His Love Has Set Us Free
May your heart be even a little more free today after a fresh encounter with the Father’s love.
All He Asks of Us Is Love
May we take a step back today, examine our own hearts’ pursuits, and rest in the reality of how simple God’s love really is.
The Joy Of A Love-Based Life
May you walk in joy today as you lean into this love-based reality a bit more.
Love-based Obedience
As we explore love-based obedience today, may your heart be open to the goodness of your loving Father.
Love-based Simplicity
May you find that the weight of the world falls away. And may you choose the path of simplicity and love going forward living out in joy and peace.
Love God: It’s All about Relationship
May we discover the peace and joy that come from pursuing a simple Christianity this week.
A Life of Sacrifice
May we discover what it means for our hearts, minds and will to be fully surrendered to Jesus, and in return may we find the abundant joy he has promised. He is trustworthy and true.
Rest in God
May God reorient the way you see him today, and show you his purpose and pleasure over his children taking time for true rest in him.
The Discipline of Simplicity
May your heart and mind be open to all the wisdom and goodness God has for you today. And may you find comfort in making Jesus your one necessary thing.
The Simple Truth of Freedom
May we gain clarity and deep understanding of the freedom afforded to us as children of God. May we adopt the simple truth of our freedom and truly be set free.
The Simplicity of Grace
May today be a breath of fresh air as you encounter the grace of God that requires nothing in return.
Living Without Offense
Loving others is one of the most important and difficult commands Jesus gave us.
Seeing Past the Brokenness
Brokenness can often make us hard, bitter and difficult to deal with. But we’ve been given the call to see past that hard exterior and love people in the midst of their pain.
Jesus is the Model
What better example or model is there for how to love than the One who laid his life down for the world?
Loving Family
The beauty of it is, our God is with us every step along the way. He has purpose and power for you in loving the family in which he’s placed you.
Loving Friends
May we be filled with the love of Jesus and grace of God to go out of way to love and minister to those special people in our lives today.
Loving Strangers
Let’s try to take our eyes off ourselves and see those we pass every day and don’t seem to notice.
Loving the Church
Jesus says we will be known by the way we love each other. Would people know you’re a Christian by the way you love your brothers and sisters?
Action Fueled by Love
May your faith come alive this week as you seek to be a doer of the word.
Love is Present
As our world becomes more and more distracted, and takes less time to notice what’s happening in the life of another, may God empower us as his people to simply be present today.
Love Makes Time for Others
May God grant us his perspective and fashion us into his likeness today.
Love Encourages
May God encourage us today, and empower us to encourage another as we make space for his loving presence.
Love Forgives
Every day we’re wronged in some way. And every day is an opportunity to show others forgiveness, not because they deserve it, but because loving forgiveness is the way of our Good Shepherd, the author and founder of our faith. May God empower us to forgive as he does today.
Love Hopes
We need God to give us fresh vision for the work he’s doing and will do in the world around us. And we need him to empower us to share that vision with others, that our perspective would be grounded in his goodness. May God fill us as his people with fresh hope in his presence today.
Love Wins
As God’s people, he’s inviting us into his victory, a victory we so desperately need. May God establish us in his power today, and may chains fall off us and others as God guides us into a lifestyle of victory in him.
At the Heart of Faith
May you experience a greater depth of intimacy with your living, Almighty, and loving heavenly Father.
Faith Comes by Hearing
God is faithful no matter what. But faith allows us to have trust in that faithfulness, producing a peace and sense of calm in the midst of challenges that we desperately need.
Living by Faith
May you find the strength and courage to trust in him today with all that you are.
Praying in Faith
May God’s goodness become the foundation of our prayer, that we would learn to pray out of a place of belief instead of begging, and hope instead of doubt.
The Marriage of Faith and Works
May we gain revelation today that would stick, that would transform our understanding and deepen our experience of the connection, the relationship between faith and works.
Faith in Trials
May God empower us with revelation today that would bear the fruit of steadfast faith, even in the midst of trials.
The Power of Faith
May God fill our hearts with faith, and may our lives be filled with the fruit of trusting in our good and able God.
Let Love be Genuine
May you discover God’s grace and perspective this week as you examine your life in light of this powerful passage of Scripture.
Be Fervent in Spirit
May God fill all our hearts with his love in a meaningful, authentic way. And may we find the courage in him to live our faith passionately.
Rejoice In Hope
May God give us wisdom, joy, and eternal perspective today as we make space for him to fill.
Bless Those Who Persecute You
Truly blessing those around us that seem to be against us is an incredible act of love, producing fruit not only in the lives of others, but in our lives as well. May God give us insight into his heart for this command today, as well as the courage to live it out.
Rejoicing and Weeping with Others
Jesus allowed himself to be burdened by others burdens, pained by their pain. And may we follow the way of our Savior today as we spend time in his word, and in his presence.
Live in Harmony
May God give us wisdom, and empower us to walk the path of humility and love as we seek to live in harmony today.
Overcome Evil with Good
May God show us the pathway to his power today, and illuminate specific ways we can overcome evil with good today.
Encountering God through Faith
May this week be filled with transformational encounters with the living God as we learn what it is to seek the face of the one who has formed us, knows us, and loves us unconditionally.
Encountering God through Prayer
May your heart and mind be at peace today as you encounter the living God.
Encountering God through Thanksgiving
May you take away from our time today, timeless principles that quickly get your heart in the right place despite your season or circumstances.
Encountering God through Worship
Jesus is worthy of all our worship, and it’s my prayer today that you have a fresh encounter with him through this transformative avenue.
Encountering God through Scripture
Today we’ll dive into how we can encounter God through Scripture.
Encountering God through the Receiving of His Presence
May we learn to practice God’s presence on a regular basis and see his goodness flood our lives.
Encountering God through Others
May your wounds be healed, and your heart be opened to how God wants to use others to lead you to him.
God’s Heart to Meet with David
May your heart be filled with a wholehearted desire to pursue meeting with God this week.
God’s Heart to Meet with Gideon
Open your heart today that God may fill it with fresh fire and excitement for the call on your life.
God’s Heart to Meet with Moses
It is my hope and prayer that you leave today having experienced the richness, unity and oneness with the Spirit of God you were made for.
God’s Heart to Meet with Man: Jesus to Us
Many of us doubt the love of God due to all kinds of circumstances, but I pray today you become even a little bit more convinced and sure of his pursuit and unconditional love for you specifically.
God’s Heart to Meet with Man: the Woman Caught in Adultery
May today be no different. I pray you’re met by a generous, kind, merciful Savior as you open your heart to him.
God’s Heart to Meet with Man at Pentecost
May you be encouraged today as you look more deeply at God’s overwhelming desire to be one with you in your day to day life.
God’s Heart to Meet with Man: John on Patmos
Right when we think we’re unusable, a season is too dry or we’re past our prime, God comes and speaks fresh life and vision. If you find yourself like John on Patmos today, I pray God brings a new word of courage and life to you despite your season.
We are made to place our trust in that which will provide us with more life, joy, and peace.
May you grow today in your willingness and excitement to quickly obey the Lord as you learn of his love and goodness.
May you find the understanding you need for your situation today as you learn to trust the Father and lean into him.
May you feel encouraged and motivated to place your plans in the hands of a capable, trustworthy Father who has your best interest in mind, always.
God has something to say about your emotional health, and it is my hope you are encouraged and feel afresh how deeply you’re loved by the Lord as we focus in on this truth.
There is rest available for God’s children today in the place of toil and striving. Your good Father wants to assure you of that today.
As we have learned this week, our God is fully trustworthy. Placing our trust in his hands is the wisest thing we could ever do. As we finish up our week on trust today, we’ll explore how trust plays a role in our sanctification and maturing as believers.
God Promises His Will
May God stir our hearts to surrender anything that isn’t best for us, and may he empower us to take hold of his passion, and his desires, that we might align our lives with his will.
God Promises His Strength
In today’s First15, we’re continuing our series of taking hold of God’s promises by looking at his promise of strength.
God Promises His Compassion
May we not only get a revelation of God’s compassion in our own lives today, but may God mold and fashion us into his likeness, that we would be a people of compassion.
God Promises Freedom
Every day this world tries to chain us to its ways, holding us down where God is trying to lift us up. But in Jesus, we’ve been offered total and complete freedom. And in the Spirit we’re offered a continual pathway to exercise that freedom.
God Promises His Comfort
We serve a God of all mercy and comfort, a God who knows our pain, weeps with us, and has a perfect plan to lead us to abundant life even in the midst of it all.
God Promises His Presence
The nearness of God is always to our good. In every situation, good or bad, challenging or easy, it’s so good to be near to God. So wherever you are today, lay down every other pursuit, just for the next few minutes, and focus simply on resting on God’s presence.
God Promises His Return
The suffering and pain we’re experiencing right now is not for forever. There is a conclusion to this story, to all of our stories. And that conclusion is being written by a God so good, so loving, and so powerful, that we know this story of humanity ends triumphantly.
Waiting on the Lord
May God guide us to a better understanding, and deeper experience, of his promises today.
Experiencing God’s Promises through the Renewing of Your Mind
May God do a mighty work today as we make space for him to fill.
Trust in God's Promise
May we as God’s children trust him more fully today in response to his trustworthiness.
Casting Off Negativity
May God grant us the courage and perspective to choose life over death today as we seek to live the abundant life wholly available to us in Christ.
Make Time to Experience God
May God open our eyes to see the true value of our time, and how deeply he cherishes when we choose to spend it on him.
Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus
May God guide us to into a work birthed from the place of abiding in him, that our lives would be marked by the fruit of God’s promises coming to fruition every day.
Live for His Glory
There is a wealth of promises that can only be experienced when we choose to lay down our own glory, and live for the glory of God instead. We weren’t created to live for our own advancement, and attachment to advancement only breeds pain and suffering.
You Can Know God
May your relationship with God go deeper and become freer as you build trust and learn how to have God’s heart this week.
Continual Revelation
May we walk away today more inclined to listen and more open to finding God in unexpected ways.
The Word
May we begin to turn to the Bible as our source of truth and direction first and foremost, rather than the world around us.
The Spirit
The Spirit longs to have a beautiful, deep friendship with you. And all it takes is opening our hearts to him.
Revelation through Others
If we’ll open our hearts to those around us, the possibilities are unlimited to what God can do.
A Foundation of Affection
God is such a good, loving Father that he wants us to live with a foundational understanding of his affection toward us.
God’s Heart Doesn’t Stop with Us
When you are operating out of God’s love daily secure in his affections for you, God can do miraculous things through you.
Fully Loved
May we grow in our understanding and experience of God as our good and loving Father this week as we look at what it is to be his child.
New Bloodline of Freedom
May we live unchained to the terrible effects of sin today as we learn to walk out our new identity in Christ.
Childlike Faith
May you experience peace and courage today as you allow God to take burdens off of your shoulders, and live with childlike faith.
A Wealth of Fatherly Affections
Wherever you need a sense of his love, wherever you have need, I pray that the Father gives you a profound revelation of his love there today.
God as Our Guide through Life
May you sense the leadership of your loving Father today as we create space to receive his guidance.
The Blessings of Our Father
May we taste and see God’s goodness today as we open our hands and hearts to receive the gifts of his love.
Once a Child Always a Child
May God give you confidence and joy today in your new identity in him.
His Grace is Sufficient
Today we’re launching a new series, taking time every day to discover and receive the grace of our good and loving Father.
Freedom in Grace
God’s grace is the foundation of our freedom, a sure gift made available to us again every morning.
The Throne of Grace
May the reality of Jesus’ mercy and power establish a greater foundation of grace for us to live on today.
Grace-filled Presence
In the middle of our series on grace, we’re going to look at how experiencing God’s presence gives a truer, more heartfelt sense of God’s grace.
Grace-filled Provision
In today’s First15, we’re exploring the wonderful reality of how God provides for us by his grace.
God's Grace Brings Purpose
May God fill us all with a deeper sense of purpose today, and may our days be more fulfilling and more impactful as we experience God’s grace right now.
In Grace God Teaches Us
May we approach God with a humble and teachable heart. And may we learn whatever lesson we need from the Spirit today, as God teaches us in his grace.
The Nature of Forgiveness is Mercy
May you be filled with courage and boldness this to offer forgiveness to those in desperate need of grace.
Our Forgiveness in Jesus
May we find the grace to forgive as we rest in the forgiveness we’ve already been offered through our Savior.
Healing Past Wounds and Forgiving Present Scars
May you find healing today for any wounds or scars you’ve been carrying, whether big or small.
A Lifestyle of Continual Forgiveness
Over time, as we open our hearts and allow God to do a continued work in us, we’re equipped to develop a new normal, a new way of living.
Forgive The Person, Not Their Actions
May you find newfound freedom from the weight of unforgiveness today.
Living Without Expectation of Perfection
May we gain his perspective today, and the peace and joy that accompany it, as we spend time in his word and his presence.
Forgiving Yourself
May God give us the grace to see ourselves as he does, and offer ourselves love, compassion, and forgiveness regardless of what we’ve done.
God Demonstrates His Grace
May God draw you even closer to him this week, and teach of you his redemptive and life changing love.
God's Patient Heart
May the patience and love of God transform your heart today, as we spend time in his presence, engaging with his word.
God's Instant Forgiveness
May regret, and fear over God’s judgement be washed away as we see an incredible picture of how quickly and easily God forgives our sins.
Restoration of Sonship
May the incredible love of the Father displayed in this moment of Jesus’ story give us a glimpse into how our heavenly Father feels about us today.
Restoration of Identity
May God align our perspective with his today, as we apply the restoration of identity from Jesus’ story to our own lives.
Restoration of Authority
May we be positioned to work with God in bringing his powerful love to earth all around us as the result of our time in his presence today.
Having Grace for Others
May we become more like our Father in heaven today as we look at his word, and spend time in his presence.
Poor in Spirit
May you experience more of the depth of God’s love this week as you discover God’s heart to minister to those desperate for him.
Lifestyle of Grace
It is my hope today that we can learn to embrace our weakness, that God may be made strong in us.
Repentance and God’s Promised Forgiveness
May we learn to embrace this aspect of walking with the Lord rather than shy away from it.
Seeking Wealth in Heaven
As we seek to have one devotion today, may our hearts be fully open to the One who’s worthy.
The Blessing of Spiritual Poverty
The beauty of God’s way is that it will always turn the ways of our world on its head. To be strong you must become weak. To be rich, you must be poor. To find, you must lose.
How to Live Low
God wants to use you as a vessel of his grace and love in this world. Will you let him?
Freedom in Spiritual Poverty
Abundant life is available to us now as we seek to live low and abide in Jesus.
Our Sin and the Holiness of God
May you experience a more tangible, loving, and powerful connection with your heavenly Father this week as we celebrate living life unveiled.
The Example of Moses
May God draw us closer to him, and give us eyes to see his face today.
The Tearing of the Veil
May we gain a deeper knowledge and experience of God’s closeness today as we study the tearing of the veil.
An Unveiled Lifestyle
May you hear and take the invitation of God to live differently, to live closer, to abide and rest in his presence in all you do today.
Faith Guides Us In
May your faith increase today, and may your experience of God’s presence deepen as we create space to seek God together.
The Omnipresence of God
May you have a profound sense of God’s nearness today as we look at the incredible availability of God’s presence.
Our Righteousness in Jesus Christ
May you see yourself in light of the finished work of Christ today as we make space to see the new nature we’ve been given by God’s grace.
Light and Dark
May the Lord open our eyes to see the glorious light before us this week.
We are Called to the Light
May you be strengthened in grace and integrity today as you’re re-envisioned toward your calling to the light.
Jesus is the Light
May our hearts grow in wonder, worship and awe. And may our lives be forever transformed at the sight of him.
Living Fully Known
May you walk away today free from shame and fear after having faced a holy God vulnerably and having encountered his unconditional love.
Looking at the Light
As we re-train ourselves to seek God first for satisfaction, may we find how abundantly beyond our imaginings the Lord’s sufficiency is for us.
Following God into the Light
May you feel better equipped to face temptation and sin today as you encounter Jesus and his truth for you on this subject.
Being the Light
May you be encouraged today to live out your calling as the light of world, free from the weight of the world.
God's Plan for Renewal
May God teach and guide us into daily renewal as we make space every morning for him to fill.
The Renewal of Your Mind
May God guide each of us down the path to renewing our minds in his presence, and through his word today, that we might experience a greater measure of abundant life in him.
Renewal of Your First Love
May God guide us to a deeper love of him today as we open our hearts and hands to meet with him.
Renewal of Joy
May God guide us today into a meaningful renewal of joy as we set our eyes and hearts on him.
Renewal of Purpose
May the Holy Spirit reveal within us the true reason we were created, and guide us down the path of purpose today in his presence.
Renewal of Conscience
May God empower us to see ourselves the way he does as we spend meaningful time in his presence today.
Renewal of Perspective
So may God give us the power and courage to choose the right perspective today, to see the world and our lives through his eyes.
Seeking Transformation
May God do a mighty work in our hearts this week as we make room for his presence every day.
God Transforms Us Into New Creations
May God do a mighty work today as we make room for him to move, and may we leave this focused time in his presence with a true feeling of being made new.
Continual Transformation
May God stir up our hearts to accept change and transformation in him today as we make space right now for him to come and move.
Transformation through Experience
May God stir up our faith and our passion to be transformed in his presence right now.
God Meets Us in Our Weakness
May God replace pressure and pride with peace and humility today as we meet with him right now.
Life in Christ
May God build within us a powerful culture of resurrection today as we draw near to his transformative love and presence.
Life in the Spirit
May God continue this work of ongoing transformation, as we invite him to resurrect us in meaningful, fresh ways today.
God Cares About the Present
As we look at what it is to live an abundant life here on earth, I pray that your heart will be awakened to the reality of God’s presence and affection in your life.
Choosing to Worship
As we examine how to live an abundant life here on earth, today we’ll search out what it means to choose to worship God in our daily lives.
Glorious Relationship
God is for us and desires to walk closely with us, all we have to do is say yes to his invitation. Will you consider saying yes today?
Passionate Pursuit
Open your heart to the Father today, and allow your mind to be renewed to the good life he has for you.
Eternal Impact
As we begin wrapping up our week on living an abundant life, I hope you leave today encouraged, envisioned and empowered.
Healed, Transformed, Freed
Once we release the lies and old patterns of thinking and acting, we will see new life spring up in our lives everywhere we look. May this be the case for each of us today.
Eternity Right Now
As we finish this week on living an abundant life, today we’ll explore where we’re placing our priorities, hopes, fears, and affections. God doesn’t want us to spend our days waiting for heaven, but instead wants to shift our perspective to see that eternity has already begun.
Seeking God through Worship
In worship, our hearts become soft, aware, and open to the glorious majesties of God’s nearness. In worship, God makes his nearness known to us and fills us anew with the power of his manifest presence.
Seeking God through Scripture
May your heart be opened to God’s truth today as you experience his presence.
Seeking God through Prayer
Today, may your heart be stirred to take advantage of the unbelievable gift of prayer as you experience God.
Seeking God through Fasting
As we continue our week on seeking God, today we’re exploring what it means to seek God through fasting.
Seeking God through His Creation
May we take the time to open our eyes and hearts, to slow down for a minute and behold the beauty of our God in all that he has made.
Seeking God in Solitude
As we near the end of our week on seeking God, today we will focus on seeking God in solitude.
Seeking God through Community
May God open your heart and mind today to the community in which he’s placed you in this season.
Strength in Joy
May you discover the greater portion of joy available to you through the Spirit as you encounter the heart of your Father this week.
God Rejoices Over Us
God not only loves you, but he likes you. He rejoices over you, just as you are. I hope and pray that you get a real, tangible sense of God’s joy over you today as we create space in his presence together.
The Fullness of Joy
May your heart be filled to the fullness today as we experience God together.
Joy in Every Circumstance
Today we’re going to make space together to simply open our hearts and minds to receive the joy of the Father. I hope and pray that you find real, life-changing joy in God’s presence today.
Joy from the Spirit
May your relationship with the Spirit deepen today, and yield a joy so real and strong that no trial or tribulation could come against it.
Inexpressible Joy
May our hearts be opened to a greater measure of joy than we’ve yet experienced, and the wisdom and faith to hold on to that joy as our portion in God.
Being a Carrier of Joy
May God fill us all with a greater measure of his joy today, and a greater understanding of how to carry that joy into a world in desperate need of it.
The Prince of Peace
May you discover the heart of your heavenly Father to bring you peace this week.
Peace is a Fruit
May we learn today how to tap into the peace of God that’s so ever-readily available to us as Christians.
A Peaceful Thought-Life
Today we’ll dive a little deeper into those biblical concepts, and I hope we each walk away better equipped to face life’s trials with the transcendent peace of God.
Peace in Relationships
Today we’ll dive into how live in harmony with others and experience the peace of heaven in our friendships, families and work lives.
Peace in All Circumstances
Today we’ll explore why that might be and how to walk in transcendent peace untouched by the circumstances of this world.
Peace in the Spirit
May you grow in your desire for closeness with the Holy Spirit today.
Being a Person of Peace
In a world full of principles like “an eye for an eye,” how can Christians be set apart and different? Today we’ll dive into that and more.
Jesus is the Best Thing
May your heart be set aflame by the joy and purpose of living out God’s command to live for heaven.
Life in Hope
May the hope of eternal life be an anchor for you all of your days.
Marked by Joy
As we continue to discover what it means to live for heaven, today we look at what it means for us to be marked by joy.
A Lifetime of Love
God doesn’t want you to even go one day without knowing how truly loved you are.
Heaven on Earth
Open your heart and mind to God’s will for your life, and allow him to fill you with excitement and joy today.
Things Unseen
We are so easily bogged down by the weight of the world, and today God wants to lift our chin and point our eyes upward to things unseen, the things of heaven.
The Day is Approaching
May your heart only grow in anticipation and joy at the thought of his return after today.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart
May your heart become more responsive to the presence, will, and love of God this week as you cultivate good soil with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: Thankfulness
May God remind us of all we have to be thankful for today as we make space to meet with him. And may our days be better as the result of taking just a few moments to be thankful for who we are, what we have, and all God has done for us as his beloved children.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: Worship
As we make space to focus on the power of worship today, may God stir up each of our hearts to worship him with all we are and all we have.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: Scripture
As we look at the power of Scripture today, may God stir our hearts to spend time every day in the pages of this transformative book. And may Scripture guide us deeper into true relationship with it’s author.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: The Body of Christ
So as we set our eyes on him, may he fill our hearts with compassion and love, and desire to be fully known and fully loved by our communities.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: Prayer
May God do a mighty work in us today as we discover the power of prayer.
Tilling the Soil of the Heart: God's Voice
As we wrap up this week focusing on tilling the soil of our hearts, today we’re going to look at the role of hearing God’s voice in living open and responsive to God. I know for a lot of us the idea of hearing God speak can be a confusing, sometimes too far out there subject. But as God’s children, he wants us to live in communication with him. And through the Holy Spirit, you and I have the ability to hear God speak to our hearts. May we discover today that we serve a communicative God who loves to talk to his people. And may his voice soften our hearts to receive all that he longs to give us.
The Longing to be Enjoyed
The main concept for this week is derived from The Seven Longings of the Human Heart
The Longing for Fascination
May we set our eyes on him today by the power of the Holy Spirit, that our desire for wonder would be satisfied in relationship with our powerful and good God.
The Longing for Beauty
As we continue our week-long focus on the desires of every heart, today we’re going to look at the desire we all share to behold beauty.
The Longing for Greatness
Today as we continue our series looking at the desires of every heart, we’re going to take time to recognize and satisfy our desire to be great.
The Longing for Intimacy without Shame
In today’s First15 we’re going to look at the longing we all share for intimacy without shame.
The Longing to be Wholehearted
In today’s First15, we’re going to explore the desire we all share to be passionate.
The Longing to Make a Deep and Lasting Impact
As we wrap up this week looking at the desires of every heart, we’re going to look today at the desire to live a life of significance.
The Parable of the Good Shepherd
This week we’re going to spend time allowing the parables of Jesus to speak directly to our situations, mindsets, and core beliefs about who God is. Open your heart and mind to be transformed by the powerful and captivating stories of Jesus.
The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Valuable Pearl
Open your heart today and choose to take an honest look. You might be surprised at what you find.
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
As we dig into this rich, beautiful parable, may our hearts and minds be enlightened. Take a moment even now to ask God to give you fresh revelation.
The Parable of the Lamp on a Stand
As we continue to look at the profound, life-transforming concepts Jesus shared through parables, today we’ll focus on the parable of the lamp on a stand.
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
May we today begin a fresh revival of humility in the church as we humble ourselves before God in prayer and honest worship. I want to encourage you to be open and vulnerable as you approach the Lord today.
The Parable of the Prodigal Son
As we near the end of our week on the parables, today we’re going to look at the parable of the prodigal son.
The Parables of the Lost Sheep and Coin
In today’s First15 the last in our series on the parables, we’ll be looking at the parables of the lost sheep and coin.
Being a Person of Vision
May you find freedom and joy this week as you receive vision and set boundaries under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
Vision for God
Today may God’s priorities for us become our own, and may we set the necessary boundaries in place to keep our priorities in the correct order.
Vision for Yourself
How do we set ourselves up for success emotionally, physically and spiritually? The truth is you matter, and it’s my prayer you are strengthened and encouraged today.
Vision for Others
Today may we learn how to serve people in a healthy, intentional way with good boundaries and vision.
Vision for Work
May you discover God’s heart for your work, and find deep purpose and joy today as you submit to God’s vision and boundaries for it.
Vision for Community
We all have different capacity, and it’s very important to remember that as we discuss living life with others in community. May our hearts be open today to whatever the Lord might speak.
Vision for Eternity
May you be newly envisioned and encouraged today as you’re reminded of the world that is to come through Christ our King.
The Authority of King Jesus
As we dive deeply into the riches of Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer this week, may your heart be awakened and your life be transformed by the riches of God’s love.
Hope in Relationship
May we take hold of this gift and experience it fully today as we take a closer look.
Unity in Our God
May our hearts be open to the answers we discover today as we take a deeper dive.
The Joy of the Lord
Jesus is a joyful King, and we find in his High Priestly Prayer that he desires that his people would be filled with his joy too.
The Truth of Sanctification
God wants to clear up our common misconceptions and help us enter this process with joy. Open your heart to the kindness of Jesus and allow him to give you rest.
The Glory of God in Man
May your heart and mind be open to God’s truth and will for your life today as we seek him together.
The Depth of God’s Love for Us
As we end our week on Jesus’s High Priestly prayer, today we’ll dive into his desire for us to know the Father’s great love.
The Sacrificial King
As we look to Jesus this week to celebrate who he is and what he’s done, may you find life-giving hope and foundational joy.
The King of Kings
Allow this victorious King to settle your heart and mind today as you experience his presence. Revel in his power and might. And worship him as the worthy King that he is.
The Savior King
As we explore the gift of Jesus this advent season, today we’ll dig into what it means for him to be our Savior King.
The Triumphant King
May the nature of Jesus’ triumph astound your heart and provoke worship and awe in you today.
The Merciful King
We have spent this week looking at different aspects of Christ’s kingship. Today we’ll explore how the Lord is merciful in nature toward us and the world.
The Just King
As we begin to wrap up our week celebrating Jesus our King, today we’ll celebrate the justice of God.
The Humble King
As we end our week looking to Jesus, today we’ll explore one of my favorite aspects of his nature: his humility.
The Importance of Drawing Near
Even as believers filled with the Holy Spirit, we can choose to live as if God is still far off. So this Christmas season, may we choose to open our hearts to the living God that we might experience fullness of joy in his loving presence.
Every Morning Is Like Christmas with God
May we reorient our thinking so that each morning with God is more exciting than the next as we experience afresh his love and kindness.
God Does the Drawing
May you find God today as you open your heart to him, and experience the rest that his presence brings.
Sensitivity in Busyness
In the midst of this crazy season, it is important to remain sensitive to the Spirit of God.
Solitude with Emmanuel
May you be encouraged and motivated today to get truly alone with the Father in these days.
Drawing from the Endless Well
Allow God to remind you afresh today of his love and ability to meet every need and longing in your heart.
Carrying the Presence of Christ
As you practice sensitivity, God will be faithful to show up and move in amazing ways. May this Christmas season be blessed beyond measure as you seek to show the world his love.
May these days be filled with joyful worship as we celebrate our newborn King.
The Sacrifice of Christmas
May this time together help us center our celebrations around the goodness of Emmanuel, God with us.
Overflowing Joy
May your heart be filled with joy this Christmas day.
Seasons with God
May your time with God this week be filled with the loving presence of your heavenly Father.
New Beginnings
May you get a real sense of redemption and grace today as we seek the heart of God together.
You Can Do All Things
My hope is that we’re filled with courage and hope today for what God can and will do in us as we make space to live and work in him in this new year.
Hope in God's Nearness
As we make space for his presence today, I pray that he fills us with a new measure of hope and life in his nearness.
May your heart be filled with the fruit of his incredible plans today.
Make Space for God to Fill
Whenever we make a little room in our day, and in our hearts for God, it always amazes me how he can fill us with exactly what we need.
The Resolution Your Heart Wants to Make
Worship is perhaps the most foundational part of a quality time alone with God.
Trust His Heart
God promises us that we can trust his heart even when we can’t see his hand.
God Redeems All He Allows
Even today, even now, God is working to redeem our pain and heartache for his glory and our good.
Experiencing God
There is an incredible difference between knowing something in your head and experiencing it in your heart.
The Movement We So Desperately Need
As we discover God’s heart to meet with us in order that we might experience the depths of his love, I pray that your life would be marked by a new grace to consistently and powerfully encounter the living God.
What Does It Mean To Have Time Alone With God?
This week we will get back to the basics and learn some spiritual disciplines that will help us encounter him in deeper, more transformative ways.
What Is Worship?
Worship is perhaps the most foundational part of a quality time alone with God.
What is a Devotional?
May our time together help you get even more out of this space for God’s presence.
What is Prayer?
My hope is that today clarifies a pathway for us that we can walk every day into deeper relationship with God.
Communion with God
May God guide us ever closer to him as we create room for him to fill right now.
The Presence of God
My hope is that today the presence of God is demystified a bit, and becomes a regular part of every day we set aside to meet with him.
What is Christian Meditation?
May the encouragements of Scripture and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit lead each of us to an embracing of this incredible opportunity in Christian meditation.
Start Your Day with the Best Thing
I pray that your life would be marked by a new grace to consistently and powerfully encounter the living God.
Storing the Treasure of Your Heart in Heaven
May God guide us into a passion for investing our lives in his kingdom, that we would have the most joy and peace possible here on earth as well as in heaven.
Live for Love
May he guide us into a deep discovery of who we are in him, and how we can live our lives filled with the passionate pursuit of love.
Renewing Your Mind
I pray that after today’s time, your mind is clear and focused on truth, and that your emotions and actions are marked by abundant life as a result.
Having Time Alone
God has a better beginning to every day in store for us if we’ll follow him.
Life in Surrender
I hope today that we both learn a little about the value of living in surrender, and experience the life that comes through actually dying to ourselves, that we might live in Christ more fully.
Freedom through Enjoying God
I hope and pray that chains weighing you down to the cares and sins of the world fall off of you today as we follow the Spirit down a path to more fully enjoying God.
Choosing a Center
May your life be marked by union with your Creator as we explore what it means to center our lives around meeting with God this week.
The Longing of God to Meet with You
As you are reminded today of God’s great love and desire for you, may your heart be stirred with fervor to seek him and center your life around his presence.
Seeing God as Our Father
As we grow in understanding of God’s perfect love and relation to us, may centering your life around his presence come naturally.
The Fruit of Abiding
Tapping into Christ’s presence and power is what will allow you to bear good fruit in this life.
Jesus is the Center
Allow your heart to be stirred in adoration, worship and devotion to the only true King this world has even known.
Making the Most of Our Time
As you begin to examine your life today, may God give you eyes to see what’s hindering you and what truly brings you life. How we spend our time is foundational to how we center our lives around Christ.
Living from Union
May you live each day aware of and benefitting from that union, and be forever changed.
God Longs to be Encountered
May your week focus on God’s desire to be encountered be marked by the reality of his presence and love.
God Longs for Us to Know His Love
Every one of us needs to be reminded of the depth of his love on a regular basis, and it’s my hope that today we can take some time to do so. May you never be the same again.
God Longs for Us to Know His Voice
May you walk away today feeling more confident and equipped for intimate relationship with Jesus.
God Longs for Us to Know His Truth
As we look to Jesus as our model, may we be filled with courage and light to love not just in word but in deed and truth.
God Longs to Share His Will
May you gain some insight about next steps for you today, and fresh peace in the midst of whatever season you’re in.
Mystery is to be Sought Out
May your questions and wonderings about God and his creation only push you farther into seeking him. Because he has made it clear that if you’ll seek him, you will find him.
Do We Know Him?
He alone is worthy of all our hearts. And today may you place your heart solely in his hands.
Abide in the Vine
My prayer is that you would be marked by wonderful, satisfying, and fulfilling encounters with the presence of God as we look at John 15:1-17 this week.
Abiding in the Heartbeat of God
As you learn to seek out the heartbeat of God, may you grow in confidence in his love for you and those around you.
Abiding through Obedience
Take a moment even now to open your heart to trust God afresh.
Abiding in God's Friendship
May you fall deeper in love with God today as you learn what it means to abide in God’s friendship.
Abiding Fruit
Make room in your heart and mind to rest in the love of your heavenly Father as we look at the different ways we are to abide in true vine of God.
God Prunes Us in His Love
Discipline can often be a tricky subject, but it’s my hope our hearts would remain soft and open today as we remember how good and loving the God is that we serve.
Abiding in God's Joy
May we be filled afresh with joy today as we seek these answers out.
God's Relentless Pursuit
May we openly accept his gaze today, with faith in our hearts that he always looks at us with grace.
Made for Relationship
May God reveal his purpose behind our creation today, and may he make central to our lives his pursuit and love in a fresh way.
Identity of the Heart
May God call out from within us who he’s truly made us to be as we draw near to him in his presence.
An Open Heart
May he fills us with courage and grace today as we experience his nearness together.
Be Who You Are
As we open our hearts to his loving pursuit today, I pray that God would do a mighty work of freedom in our hearts.
The Spirit and the Heart
May he come and meet us right now, and reveal God’s love in a fresh way.
Living from the Heart
May God use our time today to empower us to advance his kingdom in meaningful, authentic ways.
Honesty is the Foundation
May God give us the courage to be who we truly are with him, with ourselves, and with others today. And may newfound freedom be the fruit in our hearts and lives.
May God show you how loved you are, just as you are. And may his love bring you freedom and life as we rest in his presence right now.
Tearing Down Walls
Let’s come before God today with courage, trust, and humility.
Fully Known
May God replace fear with faith today as we experience his grace and love right now.
Fully Loved
May God love us powerfully today as we make space to be more honest with him and ourselves.
Freedom in the Light
Any part of our lives in which we’re walking in darkness, living isolated and unknown, makes space for our hearts to be chained to thoughts and temptations God wants to set us free from. So may the Spirit lead us into the light today, and may we find the courage to follow him.
Living Honestly
Let’s open up our hearts in real, intentional ways today, as we experience the power and love of our heavenly Father.
Honesty before God
May your relationship with God be enriched this week as you position yourself to receive all your loving heavenly Father has to give.
Honesty before Man
May you learn to value to honesty above all else in dealing with those around you and find joy and peace abundant.
Acknowledging Our Need
The only path to true power and freedom comes through embracing our need and lack. May you experience that freedom and strength from God today.
Faith and Trust
The Lord is a firm foundation, and the only solid place to place your trust. In diving deeper today, we’re going to secure our foundation in the only steady hope—Jesus.
What’s beautiful about God is that no matter where you’re at in your walk with him, there is always more.
