
Continual Revelation

Knowing God's Heart

May we walk away today more inclined to listen and more open to finding God in unexpected ways.


As we continue our week on knowing God’s heart, today we’ll explore the idea of continually seeking God in our day to day lives, rather than living off of one-time experiences. God is always available to us, and as his children, we have his Spirit speaking to us as all times, in all places. May we walk away today more inclined to listen and more open to finding God in unexpected ways.


“Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!”

1 Chronicles 16:11 ESV


Seeking God isn’t meant to be a one-time event. We’re not meant to run off the fuel of an occasional encounter with our Father’s love. Rather, seeking and finding God’s heart is to be at the foundation of all we do. It’s to be intertwined in our thoughts, actions, and emotions. He longs to reveal himself to us whether we’re at home, working, watching movies, in a church service, or out with friends. Life with God is meant to be about continual revelation of his heart.

In Jeremiah 29:13-14 God says, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord.” God longs to be found by us. He longs for us to seek out a revelation of his invisible nature, unconditional love, and abounding grace. He longs for us to taste and see that he is good (Psalm 34:8). When you seek out God you won’t be met with nothingness. When you seek to know the will, attributes, feelings, and reality of your heavenly Father, you will find what you seek. His presence is his promise.

I go through too much of my day apart from a revelation of God’s heart. I suffer through insecurities, disappointments, fear, doubt, and worry as if I am on my own. I take my life into my own hands and work to feel valued, fight for what I feel is owed me, feel like quitting when I fail, and wallow in my inability to live life perfectly, when all the while my heavenly Father waits, beckoning me with his grace to simply ask him for his heart. All the while he longs to root and ground me in his love that isn’t based on what I do, but based on his unwavering, unchanging character.

The best news we have today is that God is available to us. He’s ready and willing to pour out a love so rich, so real, and so powerful that everything changes. He’s knocking on the door of our hearts, hoping that we will simply take the time to open up and let him in. Take time today as we enter into guided prayer to seek a fresh revelation of God’s heart. Begin a lifestyle of continually seeking God by giving God all you have right now: yourself. May you be empowered and set free today to live in communion with your loving heavenly Father.


1. Reflect on the importance of continually seeking God that he might be continually found.

“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 29:13-14

“Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” 1 Chronicles 16:11

2. Ask God for a fresh revelation of his heart today. Take time to quiet yourself and open your heart to receive.

3. Spend some time in solitude simply being with God. Rather than asking him questions, journal what you are discovering about God. Write down how you feel, aspects of his character you are noticing, and what he seems to be speaking to you.

“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10


Continual Revelation


Sometimes simply being with God teaches us more than a thousand questions he could answer. In being still and knowing he is God we learn the reality of his presence and the communion we have with him. We discover his personality and learn to trust in his quiet, calm assurance. There’s nothing as comforting as sitting with him and simply knowing that he has us. May you find peace and comfort in the nearness of God today.

Extended Reading: Psalm 46 or watch The Bible Project’s video on Psalms.

May you find peace and comfort in the nearness of God today.

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