
The Desire to be Delighted In

The Seven Longings of the Human Heart

The main concept for this week is derived from The Seven Longings of the Human Heart by Mike Bickle and Deborah Hiebert.


All of us have insatiable desires that can only be satisfied in communion with our heavenly Father. The desire to be delighted in, for wonder, to behold glory, and to be someone great are driving forces within each of us. The desire to be fully know and fully loved, to be passionate, and to live a life of significance resound within each of us at the foundation of who we are. God created these desires knowing that they can only be fully satisfied in him—that they would be avenues to deeper relationship with him. As we look at each of these desires individually, I pray your heart would find its fulfillment in the loving nearness of your heavenly Father.

The main concept for this week is derived from The Seven Longings of the Human Heart by Mike Bickle and Deborah Hiebert.


For as a young man marries a young woman, so shall your sons marry you, and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.

Isaiah 62:5 ESV


The human race has no greater driving force than the desire to be delighted in. Most of us have spent our entire lives working to be enjoyed by others. We’ll go to whatever length necessary to prove ourselves worthy of being liked or loved. Some work tirelessly at a talent or skill hoping to impress with their abilities. Some devote countless hours to their appearance hoping the way they look will attract others and satisfy their desire to be delighted in. Some hope that money and possessions will cause people to like them or to want to spend time with them. Regardless of how we seek to be liked, if we’re honest, we will discover this desire is a driving force in all of us.

Think back on your life. Think back on yesterday. What did you do so that people would like you—so that people would like you? I could name lots of ways I strive for people’s affection or adoration on a daily basis! I desire with everything in me to be delighted in. I cringe at the thought of feeling cast out, loved by too few or none—unenjoyable. You see, we can’t help our need to be delighted in because God created each of us with desires that match avenues he’s created to lead us back to his presence.

Our Father created all of us with a desire to be delighted in by him. The Creator of all things, the only one who knows everything about you, longs for you to know that he deeply enjoys you. You, just being fully you, are loved. You, with all your failures, victories, sins, and quirks are loved by God. God made you the way he did for a reason! He savors talking with you, and watching you work. He longs for you to live the life he’s laid out for you and experience the fullness of joy he has richly provided you. Of course he hates when we sin. He can’t possibly approve of something we’re doing that’s harmful to us and others. But even in our failure God pursues us. Even in rebellion God longs for us to turn our hearts toward him so that he can run out to meet us and clothe us with grace. Out of his unconditional love, he wants to throw a celebration in honor of restored relationship with you (Luke 15:11-32).

Seek fulfillment for your desire to be delighted in in the arms of your loving Father. See him as your Father running out to meet you that you might be fully loved by him. Let his love sink into the depths of your heart that your desire to be delighted in may be fully satisfied in him. May your time in guided prayer be marked by the joy your Father has over you.


1.Open your Bible to Luke 15:11-32 and meditate on the story of the prodigal son. Put yourself in the story and place your perception of God in the character of the father. Ask the Spirit to help you see yourself in the story, to believe God’s word about yourself.

2.Now ask the Spirit to show you how God feels about you right now. Ask him to show you how God the Father rushes towards you and longs to wrap you up in his arms.

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

3.Receive the delight of your heavenly Father. Rest in the love of God and let it fill up the depths of your heart.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16


The Desire to be Delighted In


When you feel the urge to do something to gain the approval of man today, stop and receive God’s delight again. Doing life out a place of already being delighted in is the only way to live emotionally fulfilled. You have an abundantly full reservoir of love available to you at any time. God is always pleased to show you how much he loves you if you will simply turn your heart toward him and receive. May your day today be marked by the limitless love of your heavenly Father.

Extended Reading: Luke 15 or watch The Bible Project’s video on Luke 9-19. 

May your day today be marked by the limitless love of your heavenly Father.

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