
God Is Already At Work

Sharing God's Heart

The weight is not on our shoulders—the pressure is off. I hope today you’re freed up to be used by God out of joy and delight rather than obligation or stress.


If we are going to be used by God, we must first acknowledge that he is already at work all around us, and that his work isn’t contingent upon us. This is not something we’re starting up. The weight is not on our shoulders—the pressure is off. I hope today you’re freed up to be used by God out of joy and delight rather than obligation or stress.


“It is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”

Philippians 2:13 ESV


God is calling you and me to a lifestyle of joining him where he is already at work. Foundational to co-laboring with God is acknowledging that he is in constant pursuit of humanity. There is nowhere you can go that God won’t be. There is no one you could talk to whom God doesn’t already see, love relentlessly, and have amazing plans for.

Sharing God’s heart begins and ends with his grace. His grace empowers us to step outside of ourselves and love others. In grace he pursues us, even in our sin. Grace sent Jesus to die for us that we might have salvation through him. And it’s by grace we receive that free gift of salvation.

It’s important to understand God’s grace because without it we work in vain. If we operate under the perspective that salvation, healing, deliverance, and freedom for others hinges on our ability or our mercy, we will achieve nothing. But when we understand that we are merely carriers of God’s heart and fellow recipients of God’s lavish grace, we work from a place of power and truth.

1 Timothy 2:3-4 says, “This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” And Philippians 2:13 says, “It is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” You are not called to go off on your own into the darkness. God doesn’t just meet you when you read Scripture or spend time with him and then send you off to do his will. He is always with you. He is always available to you. And he always longs to empower you.

Cultivate a lifestyle of seeing where God is at work that you might co-labor with him. Ask the Holy Spirit for eyes to see the way he is pursuing people. Ask him for his heart for your friends, family, co-workers, and those you might only encounter once. God’s most likely not asking you to drop everything and move to an unreached people group right this moment. Instead, he’s asking you to be used by him to minister to others you encounter in your daily rhythms of life.

Meet God where he’s already at work today and seek to share his heart with a world that desperately needs to know a God who passionately pursues them.

today’s devotional is written by Craig Denison


1. Meditate on the truth that God is already at work. Allow Scripture to change the way you see co-laboring with God.

“This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:3-4

“It is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” Philippians 2:13

2. Ask God where he is already at work around you. Ask him to bring to mind a person or a group of people whom you can minister to today.

3. Ask him how he is already at work. Ask him for a revelation of what you can do to see his kingdom advanced through your life today. Ask him for specific ways you can love others well. Journal his response and pray to receive courage and empowerment by the Holy Spirit.


God Is Already At Work


Healing didn’t happen in Scripture because a disciple had a greater level of mercy or compassion, but because a disciple chose to co-labor with God where he was already at work. God is constantly loving, beckoning, and drawing everyone you know to himself. And he will work through you if you seek to join with him in his purposes. If you want to live a life of purpose that has eternal value, you need not look any further than the faces of those you see every day. May you love others as God does. May you show mercy and compassion in response to God’s mercy and compassion. And may God’s kingdom come to earth around you today as you minister with God.

Extended Reading: Philippians 2 or watch The Bible Project’s video on Philippians.

May you show mercy and compassion in response to God’s mercy and compassion. And may God’s kingdom come to earth around you today as you minister with God.

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