Make Space for God to Fill
Whenever we make a little room in our day, and in our hearts for God, it always amazes me how he can fill us with exactly what we need.
Whenever we make a little room in our day, and in our hearts for God, it always amazes me how he can fill us with exactly what we need.
For the last day of the year, we’re going to take time to simply make space for God to fill. Whenever we make a little room in our day, and in our hearts for God, it always amazes me how he can fill us with exactly what we need. So today, simply make room for God for whatever you need most, and allow him to fill that space with his good and perfect nearness.
Psalm 46:10 ESV
The story of Mary, Martha, and Jesus found in Luke 10 encapsulates God’s longing for simple, unfettered relationship with his children. As this year comes to a close I pray that this story would set a fire in our hearts to live out of unhindered union with our heavenly Father. I pray that we would seek to continually make space in our lives for the one thing that truly matters. Scripture says in Luke 10:38-42,
I want my life to be centered around “the good portion.” I want all my days to be marked by choosing to sit at the feet of Jesus rather than living a life based solely on works. At the end of my life, I want to look back and know that I sought relationship with my God above all else, and that I gave him my heart in and out of every season, no matter the cost.
The simple truth of Christian spirituality is that God longs to fill whatever space we make available to him with his nearness. The gift he gives us that far surpasses a spouse, a job, a family, earthly success, or financial stability is simply himself. The heartcry of our heavenly Father is simply this, “Abide in me, and I in you” (John 15:4).
What would it look like if your chief New Year’s resolution was making space for God to fill? What other desires of your heart would that take care of? How wonderful would it be to experience the transcendent peace and joy that comes from centering your life around meeting with God? How continually satisfied would you feel in consistently receiving the powerful love of your heavenly Father?
Take time today to reflect on what truly matters. Take time to choose “the good portion” that your life might be centered around he who alone has the power to truly satisfy your every longing. May your year be marked by unhindered union with the God who fills you with his greatest gift: himself.
1. Meditate on God being “the good portion.” Allow the story of Mary, Martha, and Jesus to fill you with a longing to seek relationship with God above all else.
2. Take time to make space for God to fill. Open your heart to him and center your focus on his nearness. Allow Scripture to fill you with faith to receive all he has to offer.
“Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” 1 Chronicles 16:11
3. Rest in the nearness of God. Cast aside all other concerns, fears, and reservations and simply be with God. He will guide you into all you need, but relationship with him should always be centered around simply sitting at his feet.
If you center your life around abiding in God, your year will be filled with remarkable, heavenly, and eternal impact. May John 15:1-5 fill you with a desire to abide in God that all you do this year may yield lasting fruit:
Extended Reading: Luke 10 or watch the Bible Project’s video on Luke Ch. 10-24. Take a look at Janet Denison's A Shepherd's Christmas Bible Study.
May John 15:1-5 fill you with a desire to abide in God that all you do this year may yield lasting fruit.