Article - 4 min

Create in Me A Clean Heart

Guided Prayer

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! Psalm 51:1–2

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Psalm 51:10–12

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Extended reading: Psalm 51

Gracious and loving Father,

I come humbly before your throne, acutely aware of who you are - holy, sovereign, perfect, and good - and who I am - a sinner in desperate need of your forgiveness and mercy.

Through your unfailing love, Lord Jesus, I seek now your mercy and grace. Holy Spirit, search my heart and make known to me all that separates me from your presence and peace. Hear my cries of repentance, Father, as I offer up to you a heart that is filled with sorrow and remorse for all I have done against you.

Lord, forgive me when I choose my way over yours—when the world seems more comforting and good than the abundant life that you came to give me so freely. This world never delivers what you have promised to give to those who have placed their faith and trust in you, yet daily I seem to fall prey to its false offerings of comfort, peace, solace, and strength. Instead of submitting to you and fleeing from the enemy, I am often such an easy target for him. I get caught up in the things this world offers, and as a result, I fail to draw near to you in your word and your Spirit.

I have made idols of my health, my finances, my family, and my appearance, making all of those things more significant than you. Every good and perfect gift is from you Oh, Lord, yet I have succumbed to the temptation of worshiping the created instead of the Creator. Forgive me for ever putting anything or anyone before you. Forgive me also, Lord, for taking for granted the abundance of blessings you have bestowed upon me. I deserve nothing from you Lord, yet daily you lavish me with your goodness and love. Forgive me for those days where I fail to praise your name with thanksgiving and a spirit of gratitude.

Forgive me, Father, for valuing the opinions and approval of others over you, and for believing that I am capable of doing anything apart from you. Gracious Lord, forgive me for those times when I have stolen your glory in an effort to elevate myself. I acknowledge right now that anything good in me is because of you. I can do nothing worthy or right without your strength and power within me.

My soul longs to be rid of the insecurities and pain this world has inflicted upon me, Lord Jesus - those hurts that the enemy continually uses to draw my attention away from you and all that you have done to make me righteous and whole. Father, remind me to fix my eyes on that which is eternal instead of those things that are temporal, and to trust you more deeply.

I have seen your faithfulness and your goodness time and time again, Lord. Forgive me when I doubt that you are good and the plan you have for me is the best way. Like a child, Lord, I so often insist on doing it my way instead of yours, and like the loving, tender-hearted Father you are, you draw me back to your fold with perfect discipline and kindness.

I have done nothing to receive your grace and mercy, yet time and time again, you clothe me in your perfect forgiveness, made possible because of my perfect Savior, Jesus. I praise your Name and receive all that you long to give me when I run to you and pour out my heart to you in confession and repentance. Wash me in your mercy, Lord, and draw me near to your presence and peace.

Break my heart for anything that breaks yours, Oh Lord, and bring me back to you swiftly so I can walk into this day with your strength, your power, your joy, and your unfailing love. Restore in me the joy of my salvation and create in me a heart that longs to follow you, and only you. Allow my life to be a witness to your great name so that others will see you in me and want what I have.

My broken spirit and repentant heart are what you want from me, God. I offer them both in humble submission to my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ and claim his forgiveness in faith and thanksgiving. Amen

Trace Kennedy

Trace Kennedy

Create In Me A Clean Heart